Chapter 18 (The Club )

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The next day we all when to the club

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The next day we all when to the club. I looked in the mirror at myself. My hair was half up and in curls with a yellow ribbon that match my yellow dress.

I saw my phone lying on my bed in the mirror and turn around. After the text from Erick last night, I hadn't called Ben. I pick up the phone and call Ben.

" Hello?" I could hear I woke him up because it was his raspy morning. " Hey, sorry, did I wake you up?" I could hear him chuckle and turning around in his bed.

" Lena, no, it's all right." I sight sitting down on my bed.

" Are you okay?" He asked me.

" Uhm, we're going to the club today, and Erick texted me yesterday."

" What did he say?" I look at my door when I hear my mom coming upstairs. " Ben, I have to go. My mom is coming. I'll text you." And before he could answer, I hang up the phone.

There was a knock on my door with my mom coming in. " Honey, are you ready? We have to go." She looked at me with a smile, but her smile disappeared when she looked at my arms. I follow her gaze, and I saw the scars on my arm.

They are still in my arms, and I don't know if they are going away or not. I hid my arms behind my back and looked at my mom, who was looking at me.  " Can you uhm hide them?" She asked with a shaky voice.

I nodded my head and grabbed some makeup. I sit down at my makeup table and put some on my arms. 

Someone touches my hair putting it over my shoulder. I look up in the mirror and saw my mom behind me smiling at us.

" You remind me of myself when I was your age." She smiled while bringing the last bit of make-up on my arms, making sure nobody would see them. " Mom, what if I have other friends, not from the club. Because I meet some people in the mental facility. " I asked, looking at her in the mirror.

She sights, putting her hands on my shoulder. I know she wouldn't be happy about this, but I have to ask it. " You can have other friends from me, but I don't think your father would be happy about it." I nodded my head, biting my lip.

She stroke my hair, smiling at me." And if I have a...  boyfriend." She stopped by stroking my head and turn me around, so I was directly looking at her. " Don't tell me you have one. You know that Erick.... his family. No, you can't have one. " She looked angry at me, gripping harshly onto my shoulders.

I didn't say anything. I just nodded my head, not knowing what to say. She let go of and fix her dress. " We have to go, come." I grab my phone and my purse, following her downstairs. My brother and dad were waiting for us at the door.

"Ready?" My dad asked my mom.

"Yes, we're ready. Let's go so we won't  be late." My mom said, looking at me when I stand next to my brother

I was sitting in the backseat with my brother, thinking that I would see Erick and his family in just a few minutes. Knowing that they would leave me alone with him makes my stomach upset.

" Dylan," I whisper so my parents wouldn't hear me.

They were getting up in a conversation about my dad's work. " Yeah?" I looked at him and back at my parents.

" When we're at the club, don't leave me alone with Erick or his family. Don't ask why... just please don't leave me."  He looked at me with a confused look and took my hand. " I don't have to know why, but I'm not leaving you." he gave me a small smile, and I nodded my head smiling back.

When we arrived at the club, my heart began to beat faster. I got out of the car and walk to my brother standing next to them. We followed our parents inside, where all the guests were. Laughter and music felt my ears when we walk through the doors. Al the people were laughing and talking with each other with glasses in their hands.

" Mr. and Mrs. Roberts, what's nice to see you here."  Erick's mom came to us, kissing my mom and dad on their cheek. She turns to my brother and me smiling. " Dylan and Lena, I'm happy that you two came too." We nodded our heads, smiling. She talked to my mom and dad about stuff about the club.

I successfully avoid Erick for a whole day by staying with my brother.  It was dark outside, so I know that my parents would leave soon, which made me feel better. Knowing that I wouldn't be in the same room as he calmed me.  My brother and I just talked to some nice people here until Erick's mom came to me.

" Lena, honey Erick wants to see you. He's there with some friends." She pointed behind me, and I turn around.  He was looking at me with a smile on his face with some friends around him. The same friends who were there that night.

" Thanks for telling me, but my brother needed me to do something." I looked at Dylan, trying to find help. He looked at me and nodded. " Yeah, she had to help me with something." Erick's mom looked at us still with her smile on her face.

" Oh, Dylan, you she can help you every second of the day." She took my arms and dragged me away from him to Erick. I look back at him, and he mouthed sorry at me.

" Hello, Lena. Nice to see you again." His voice made me turn around to face him.

" Hello, Erick," I said coldly.

" I'll leave you two alone, so come boys, let them talk." His mom took his friends away from him so that we were alone together. My throat was dry, and my heart was beating fast in my chest.

There was a voice in my head telling me to run away from him as soon as possible. " Why don't we go somewhere private." He said, traveling his hands up my arm.

A shiver goes up my spine when he touches me. " No, I'm good, thank you," I respond, stepping away from him. He grabs my wrist and pulls me after him to a hallway. I couldn't pull away from him because people would look at us, and the lasting I need is people looking at us when I make a scene.

He pulls me into a room where it was dark until he turns on the lights. There were some seats and a pool table in the center of the room.  He pushes me against the wall trapping me with his hands beside my head.

" You know I missed you." He liked his lips looking at me. " Let me go, Erick, I don't want this," I whisper, trying to get free. I ducked beneath his arms but was pulled back by him against the wall again.

He pushes me so hard that I felt a stab of pain in my back. " Don't you dare to walk away from me." his hand grab my throat, pushing me hard against the wall.

" Now, where were we." He replaces his hand on my throat with his lips. My eyes wide when I know what he meant.

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