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currently dyeing my hair pink and trying not to get dye on my phone whoops

"Why not just this once? I never see you with anyone, I'm sure my friends wouldn't mind meeting you."

Jungkook sighed softly as he looked up at his roommate from where he sat on his bed. The only time Jungkook saw Taehyung dressed up like this was when he went out for parties. His usual pair of sweatpants were swapped out for a pair of ripped jeans, the earrings he never wore donning his ears once more.

He dressed to impress.

Impress who? Everyone. Everyone who was graced with his presence, everyone who caught him in their line of vision. Taehyung loved to impress. Loved to be remembered, not just by his face, or his name, but by his impact. He strived to leave an impact on the lives of every person he met, whether it be big or small; he didn't just want to be a passing face.

"Thank you for the offer Hyung." Jungkook mumbled, crossing his legs where he sat and observing how Taehyung had even styled his hair differently than before. "But I'm going to have to pass."

"That's what you always say, Jungkook." Taehyung sighed, toying with the silver chain that hung around his neck. "You need to get out more. I've never seen you leave this dorm unless it's for class."

"I prefer it here." Jungkook explained, drawing invisible patterns on his bedsheets with his fingers. "I'm not good with people. I'm not good with parties."

"Are you good with anything?" The older asked, straightening out the leather jacket that he wore. "If you want to get far in life you've got to be good with those things. Parties are what you make of them.." Taehyung paused, "Or what the alcohol makes of it, at least."

He took out his phone, checking the time. "I've got to get going, Yoongi-Hyung says he's got someone he'd like me to meet." The smirk on Taehyung's face was all Jungkook needed to know what his roommate meant by his words. "If you change your mind, his dorm is about five doors down from ours. Follow the music if all else fails."

Jungkook merely nodded, watching Taehyung walk away, the black shoes on his feet sounding against the wood floors.

And then he was gone. Jungkook knew that he wouldn't be back until the earliest hours of the morning; stumbling in still drunk and collapsing on the couch. It was a mystery how he even made it to class.

Jungkook was fairly thankful that Taehyung was at least trying to better his social life, but he just couldn't.

Jungkook couldn't picture himself at a party. He preferred to distance himself from them, listen to the music through the walls instead.

And the only wisp of alcohol being the smell on Taehyung as he walked through the door.

Distance, was something that he was good at.


"Taehyung, this is Jimin."

Maybe it was due to the fact that he was already half drunk that had Jimin's heart flutter when he laid his eyes on the person that Yoongi opened his door to. In all honestly, it probably was the alcohol, and the fact that he needed someone who could make him feel good; something that he didn't feel like his soulmate could ever do.

"It's nice to meet you." Taehyung's voice was deep, all Jimin could do was bite his lip, nodding and handing the beer he had in his hand towards the new face.

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