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"Taehyung, do you want to give Jungkook and I a few moments alone?"

Jimin's voice was scarily calm as he carefully stood up, tiptoeing around the pieces of glass that were still scattered across the floor. He took slow steps towards Jungkook, observing the sheer look of terror on the younger's face.

Taehyung merely nodded, face looking scared as well as he looked between the two. Jimin's facial expression was one neither Jungkook nor Taehyung had ever encountered before. It was calm, but the dark undertone laying beneath it as he stared at the blood that stained Jungkook hand had the younger's stomach dropping.

"Sure thing." Taehyung nodded, voice soft and unsure. He stood up and sent what looked like a look of apology to Jungkook, wishing strength to the both of them.

The sound of the front door shutting sent the remaining two into an extremely unsettling atmosphere; one that almost made Jungkook's skin itch with worry.

"Honestly fuck you." Jimin's voice cracked halfway, his gaze still casted down onto his injured hand. "I can't fucking believe this."

Jimin looked up from his hand, wiping the blood on his jeans and not bothering to think about the stain. "Of course I had to fall for you, didn't I?"

"Hyung.." Jungkook's voice was quiet, sounding terrified to speak, as if one wrong word would set Jimin off. The venom that lay beneath the words Jimin had already spoken ripped straight through his heart, and Jungkook didn't know if he would be able to take any more without shattering. "I don't know what you want me to say."

"I don't want you to say anything Jungkook." Jimin's tone was cold, causing goosebumps to arise on the younger's skin as he spoke. "I've told you this before; I don't want a soulmate."

A tear dripped down Jimin's face, one that he quickly wiped away. "I say that because I know that I can't fall in love with someone who knowingly hurt me! I just can't do it!"

A drop of blood rolled down Jimin's hand to his finger tips, before dripping onto the floor beneath him. He looked an unstable blend of fear, sadness and anger, Jungkook not fond of seeing any of the emotions on Jimin's face. "And of course, as soon as I find someone that I like; some that let me forget about the hell that my soulmate put me through - fate fucks it up! Because I fell for you Jungkook! With your stupid cute hair, and pretty fucking smile; but I'm just not allowed to be happy am I?"

"Taehyung's trying to help me stop Hyung." Jungkook's voice was so small that Jimin had to strain to hear it, even in the silence that they were in. "He threw out my lighter and everything."

"But why would you even consider hurting yourself if you knew that someone out there had to go through that same pain that you did?" Jimin asked sharply. "You made my life a living hell. Is that really worth it to you?"

"I didn't know what else to turn to!" Jungkook exclaimed, tears that he had been trying to hold in beginning to slip down his face. "Nobody fucking cared! I thought that the whole soulmate thing was a joke! No way was there someone out there who was destined to love me." He paused, meeting gazes with Jimin. "I didn't want to hurt you!"

"But you knew that someone out there was going through exactly what you were!" Jimin countered. "Do you even know how many nights I wanted to fucking end it all because I was literally being tortured almost every single day!" He took a deep breath. "But I didn't, because I knew that it would effect you as well!"

Jungkook gulped, bottom lip quivering as he took a few steps back from the older.

"You don't know what it feels like to have everyone against you, do you Hyung?" Jungkook asked, voice cracking at the end. "You've always had someone by your side, be it Yoongi or someone else. But you don't know what's it's like when nobody cares about you; when you don't feel like there'd be a difference if you're dead or alive." Jungkook didn't bother wiping away the tears that streamed down his face. "Do you know how it feels to get to the point where you think you deserve pain?"

"But in this world you can't just think about yourself, Jungkook!" Jimin cried. "I've never been to that point in my life, but I know that if I ever got to that point I'd think about the fact that whatever I did wouldn't just be afflicted onto myself." Jimin wiped at his eyes once more before shaking his head. "I'm not doing this."

He walked past Jungkook, and the younger froze when he noticed that Jimin was headed for the front door.

"Hyung please don't leave." His heart felt like Jimin had ripped it out and stomped it straight into the glass shards that still scattered across the kitchen floor. "Please don't leave me. The... The sun and the moon need each other, right?" He hoped that his words would ring true in Jimin's mind, but the older's expression didn't change.

"The sun doesn't need the moon to survive, Jungkook." Jimin said solemnly, turning his head to the side so that Jungkook was in his line of sights. "The sun can shine perfectly fine without the moon."

"So you were lying to me then? When you said all that shit about being there for me?" Jungkook asked, tasting the saltiness on his own lips as he opened his mouth. "Were you just saying that you loved being around me for the hell of it? If the sun shines so perfectly without the moon with it then why did you stay around long enough for it to hurt so much when you leave?"

"How was I supposed to know that it was going to end this way?" Jimin sighed, fingers gripping the doorknob as he thought of his next words. "How was I supposed to know that you were going to end up being... you?"

"The real me is pretty awful isn't it?" Jungkook laughed humourlessly, shaking his head and staring at the floor. He couldn't bear to even look at Jimin at this point. "I'm the textbook definition of selfishness aren't I?"

"I know that you want me to disagree with you Jungkook, but I can't." Jimin mumbled.

And Jungkook felt his heart crack in two, the sound of his front door slamming sending him into such silence that he swore he could hear it when his tear dripped onto the floor.

The pain in his hand was hardly even noticeable now, the pain in his chest was enough to overpower it quite effortlessly.

"I always knew that the soulmate thing was utter bullshit."


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