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Updates will start to be on alternating days so that I can get caught up on some writing :)
Jungkook was panicking. His heart must've been beating fast enough to send him into cardiac arrest, his breathing felt like it was a chore, and he could feel sweat beading up on the back of his neck. The only reason for all of this discomfort was due to one person standing in front of him. Too close in front of him.

Park Jimin, was causing him a lot of panic.

Jimin knew. Jungkook was one hundred percent sure that Jimin just remembered the events from a few nights ago as he stood in front of him, merely due to the fact of his expression. It changed so quickly. It went from neutral, to filled with shock and realization in an extremely short period of time. Jungkook wasn't sure exactly, how he felt about it either.

Was he happier with Jimin not knowing? Content with the fact that they would live their separate lives and not cross paths again? Or did he want Jimin to know? Did he want Jimin to remember everything?

What if he did, and was disgusted with himself because of it?

Disgusted, by the fact the he let himself go that far with someone like Jungkook. Someone so much lesser, in appearance, personality, social standing.

Jimin, belonged with someone like Taehyung. Taehyung and himself were basically polar opposites. Taehyung was handsome, and outgoing, and fun to be around.

Jungkook just wasn't.

"Could I just ask..." Jimin started, breaking the silence that had settled upon them. His voice was soft, avoiding eye contact with the younger as he spoke. "Were you at Yoongi's party a few nights ago?"

Jungkook inhaled sharply and closed his eyes for a moment. He took a second to will his nerves away before he nodded.

"My roommate, Taehyung, kind of dragged me there." He responded, watching as Jimin bit at his bottom lip before responding.

"Are you one hundred percent sure that nothing happened between us?" The older asked, Jungkook looking down at the ground. "Because I don't remember much from that night, but I'm pretty sure that I remember you."

"Me?" Jungkook asked, eyes widened a bit as he crossed his arms over his chest and stepped back. "Are you sure?"

Jimin furrowed his eyebrows, bringing his hand up to scratch at the back of his neck. His neck was still fairly sore from Taehyung. Jimin thought for a moment that he saw a mark on Jungkook's neck as well, but the younger's shirt collar was too high for Jimin to be sure.

"Unless it wasn't you?" Jimin asked, an extremely confused look taking over his expression. He took a few steps back as well, increasing the distance between them even more.

"I'm sorry, but I don't think it was me." Jungkook responded, the lie rolling off of his tongue as if it was nothing. "Taehyung ditched me not long after we got there, so I just went home."

Jungkook decided that he didn't want Jimin to know.

Jimin didn't deserve someone like him. Jimin deserved somebody so, so much better. Somebody who wouldn't bring him down, and instead would lift his spirits up. Jimin deserved somebody who was just as perfect as he was, somebody who would be able to make him happy.

Jungkook knew for a fact that he couldn't be that person.

And so he didn't want one drunken mistake make Jimin believe that he could be.

"I was sure..." Jimin sighed, rubbing his temples softly before looking down. "It's fine."

"I'm sorry." Jungkook frowned, then not able to stop his next words before they left his mouth. "I'm pretty sure that I would've been able to remember if something happened with you."

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