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"Yoongi-Hyung? Have you seen Jungkook, by any chance?"

Yoongi and Taehyung's relationship, was interesting to say the least. As a short summary of what went down between the two music majors; Yoongi would find people to set Taehyung up with, and the younger would end up most time with a one night stand - nothing more, nothing less. However, nothing had actually happened between the two of them.

Disregarding the time that Taehyung had drunkenly kissed Yoongi at one of his parties, there was nothing physically or emotionally between the two that went past purely platonic.

Platonic, in Taehyung's sense of the word, at least. Just because he liked how Yoongi's hand fit into his didn't mean that he wanted to date the older. And maybe Yoongi's laugh would make his stomach flip sometimes but that didn't mean that he liked Yoongi more than as a friend. To him it didn't, anyway.

"Jungkook?" Yoongi frowned softly, bringing his hand up to scratch at a scrape on his shoulder, the skin exposed by his loose fitting t-shirt. "I've been at class so I'm not sure. Him and Jimin have been seeming pretty close lately though, so I wouldn't be surprised if he was at my dorm room or something like that."

Yoongi finally took off his headphones, allowing them to rest around his neck. "Why? You need him?"

Yoongi looked tired, voice sounding it as well as he leaned against the wall beside Taehyung and Jungkook's door. His raven coloured hair was pushed back into a SnapBack, a yawn slipping past his lips as he waited for Taehyung to respond.

"I need to talk to him about something." The younger responded, simply shrugging as he did so. "You look tired. Long day?"

"You have no idea." Yoongi chuckled, shaking his head softly. "I got absolutely no sleep last night and I don't know why. I just couldn't." Taehyung frowned, stepping closer and patting Yoongi's shoulder.

"Have a nap when you get home, alright Hyung. Don't overwork yourself." Taehyung reached up to pinch Yoongi's cheek playfully, and had quite a shock once he did. As soon as he pinched Yoongi's skin between his fingers, a sharp pain pricked at the skin of his own cheek. Taehyung jumped, backing away a few steps and gulping.

"You doing alright Taehyung?" Yoongi raised an eyebrow, adjusting the strap of his book bag and taking a few steps back as well. "You sure it's not you that needs the nap?"

Taehyung quickly covered up his shock with a laugh, shaking his head and shrugging.

"You're probably right." He chuckled, scratching the back of his neck and averting his vision. "I can't say that my sleep schedule has been that great either." Yoongi nodded slowly, expression relaxing as he walked closer to Taehyung once more.

"Get some sleep kid, you know it's bad when you're getting all jumpy and jittery like this." He ruffled up Taehyung's hair, laughing softly as the younger frowned in response. "Even I don't let myself get that overtired. Get some rest, and I'll send Jungkook over to your apartment if I see him. Sound good?"

"Sounds good." Taehyung responded, mind still racing with what happened a few moments ago. Maybe it was all in his mind, just because a coincidence like that happened didn't mean anything. It didn't mean anything. Yoongi and him were friends and nothing more. Wouldn't ever be anything more, they had already established that. "I'll see you around then."

Yoongi hummed approvingly in response, sending a small wave in Taehyung's direction before he put his headphones back on, and turned on his heel.

Taehyung eyes were glued to him as he walked away.

Yoongi decided that it would be best if he shrugged off Taehyung's strange actions, shaking his head softly as he took out his keys to unlock the door to his dorm room.

"Jimin?" He called, setting his bag down on the bench closest to their door. "I didn't pick anything up for dinner, so I hope that we have at least something to eat here." Yoongi sighed softly, tossing his keys onto the kitchen counter and cracking his knuckles as he walked out and began his search for his roommate.

It wouldn't be surprising if Jimin wasn't there, but usually the younger would shoot him a text if he was going to be gone after his classes. Yoongi wasn't usually a worrier, but when it came to Jimin he always was. He just always wanted to make sure that Jimin was safe, happy, and doing alright. People would always tell Yoongi that he was cold, judging him clearly by his more reserved nature. However, anyone who truly knew him, knew that he had a soft spot in his heart that was reserved for Jimin.

Jimin was like his younger brother. He cared for Jimin sometimes even more than he cares for himself. "Jimin?"

Yoongi kicked off his shoes once he walked past the door once more, ducking his head into the living room as he roamed their shared dorm room. After checking there, he decided to look in Jimin's room. The younger had been looking tired recently, maybe he had completely crashed after his class, and that's why he wasn't answering. That wouldn't surprise Yoongi either.

Much like himself, when Jimin fell asleep almost nothing could wake him. You could yell at him all you want, but without fail Jimin wouldn't wake up unless you shook him vigorously.

He walked down their hallway before stopping in front of Jimin's door, pushing the door open slowly not long after. And he was right about Jimin falling asleep being the reason that he wasn't answering, he was just not thought about one small detail.

Jimin wasn't alone.

He had told Taehyung that Jimin and Jungkook had been growing a lot closer lately, but even that seemed to be an understatement as Yoongi looked upon the scene in front of him. Jungkook lay not beside Jimin, but completely curled up into him; legs intertwined and fingers gripping the front of Jimin's shirt. Jimin's arms were wrapped around Jungkook, one hand in his hair and the other around his waist.

Both of their jackets had been discarded onto Jimin's bedroom floor, probably for comforts sake.

And Yoongi... He had mixed emotions as he stared at the scene in front of him. The way that Jimin and Jungkook had clicked so quickly, two differing personalities coming together so seamlessly without and problems between them. The way that Jimin seemed to already care so much for someone that he hardly even knew, and the way that Jungkook held on to Jimin like he was the most precious thing someone could come across.

All of these traits, reminded Yoongi of how his mother described what it's like to meet your soulmate; an overwhelming desire to care for them no matter how long you've known them, personalities coming together even if it seemed unlikely, appreciating every aspect of them.

If Jungkook was Jimin's soulmate, then he couldn't help but think that their relationship wasn't going to end well.

Why? Because it was so obvious how much Jungkook wanted Jimin, but Jimin didn't want a soulmate.

And if Jungkook was Jimin's soulmate, Yoongi had only one reason for the scars he could see on Jungkook skin as the younger's t-shirt rode up his torso. Only one answer for why Jungkook always seemed so closed off, reserved, and jittery.

If Yoongi's suspicions were right, he dreaded the day that Jimin found out.


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