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This update is really late oops
"Jimin-Hyung, could I ask you something?"

The room was so silent that Jungkook could hear Jimin's shallow breathing as they lay on his bed. Taehyung was home, but was giving Jungkook all the space he wanted with Jimin. Taehyung didn't tell Jungkook, however, that he didn't know if growing closer was what was best for the two of them.

"Anything you'd like, Jungkook." Jimin's voice was raspy, obvious that he was tired and trying to stay awake.

Things like this had been happening often between the two. They would walk home from class together, hand in hand, and would end up crashing at one of their apartments. This was completely okay for both of them, because Jungkook loved how Jimin's arms felt around him, and Jimin loved burying his head into the crook of Jungkook's neck and breathing in the scent of his cologne.

When they were together, everything felt as if it was in harmony. Silence was no longer awkward and darkness was no longer unsettling.

Even without his lighter snug in his pocket, he still felt safe with Jimin around him.

"Why do you bother spending time with me?" The younger asked, keeping his eyes closed as his head rested on Jimin's shoulder. "You're so much... Different than I am."

Jimin raised an eyebrow, a frown tugging at his lips as he listened to the younger's words. "What do you mean different?" He asked, rubbing his hand up and down Jungkook's bicep.

Jungkook sighed, opening his eyes and staring up at his ceiling.

"You're just so... Perfect?" Jimin's frown only deepened as Jungkook spoke more. "You're just so beautiful, and funny, and optimistic." The younger's words were soft, but loud enough for Jimin to hear him clearly. "And then there's me. How does my personality not dull yours completely? I literally bring no happiness to the table."

"I'm not perfect by any means Jungkook." Jimin sighed, turning his head so that he could look at the younger. "I'm coated in imperfections that you could never imagine. Filled to the brim with impurities."

"You?" Jungkook raised an eyebrow. "That sounds like you're describing me."

"And then maybe that's why we get along so well." Jimin shrugged. "People who say that opposites attract don't realize that uncommon pairs usually have more in common than what can be seen by any passerby."

"But you can't deny that we do look like an unlikely pair." Jungkook spoke. "With me looking like I just crawled out of a grave, and you looking like you fell from heaven."

"You said I was the sun right?" Jimin asked, Jungkook nodded softly in response. "Then how about you be my moon? You still shine beautifully. And I swear I can see the stars in your eyes."

"The moon only shines because it reflects light from the sun." Jungkook mumbled, trying to hide the smile that was tugging at his lips. "If I am the moon, I guess you really are the sun."

Jimin laughed softly, kissing Jungkook's temple before stretching and sitting up.

"I'm pretty thirsty, are you?" Jungkook nodded, sitting up alongside the older. "I'll go get us something to drink, you stay here." He brushed a few strands of hair out of Jungkook's eyes. "You look tired."

"So do you." The younger laughed, Jimin shrugging as he stood up and straightened out his shirt.

"I'm always tired." He responded, sending a soft smile in Jungkook's direction before walking out the bedroom door.

"How's Jungkook?" Jimin jumped at the voice that cut through the silence as he walked into kitchen, completely forgetting that Taehyung was at home as well. "He's been feeling pretty down lately, I'm just wondering if he's doing okay with you."

"He has been acting a little... Dull." Jimin sighed as he walked over to the cupboards to get two cups out for him and the younger. "Why? Did something happen to him?" He paused. "I heard you two fighting not too long ago."

Taehyung frowned, dropping his gaze to the ground.

"Jungkook... He just has a few bad habits that him and I are trying to break. The fight that you heard... He just didn't take it all too well when I first confronted him about it." He spoke, watching as Jimin leaned up onto his tiptoes as he reached for the glasses that Jungkook had stacked on the top shelf. That had never been an issue considering that Jungkook and Taehyung were of similar height, but it was proving to be a challenge for Jimin. "Need help?"

"No.." Jimin huffed, grasping the air multiple times before he got hold of one of the glasses. The action that he had to take to reach it however, was all too abrupt, and caused one of the glasses beside it to topple off of the shelf completely.

It was on of those moments that would've been stereotypically put into slow motion; the glass slipping through the air all too quickly, and Jimin's reflexes all too slow to reach out and grab the falling cup.

And so the silence was broken with the sound of shattering glass, Jimin's shocked state leaving him frozen in his spot.

"Ah I'm sorry!" He finally apologized once he broke free of the shock's hold, crouching down immediately to start picking up the glass shards.

"Hey Jimin wait." Taehyung spoke, standing up from where he had sat down. "Let me get you a broom or something, you're going to cut yourself."

"I'll be fine." Jimin huffed, carefully collecting a few of the pieces into his hand. "Now sit back down, if anyone's going to cut themselves it's going to be you from stepping on a glass shard."

"You're so stubborn." Taehyung laughed softly, shrugging before sitting back down in his seat. "I just don't want you walking out of here with mangled hands, considering that you're an artist and that you kind of really need your hands in your line of studies."

"Being an artist also means that I've trained myself to have steady hands." Jimin countered. "I'll be completely fine picking up a few pieces of glass."

Taehyung was silent after that, wordlessly watching as Jimin collected all of the broken glass into his left hand.

"Jimin-Hyung? Are you alright? I heard something break." Jimin has always been the type to be on edge at most times, even the tiniest of noises causing him to flinch or jump. Jungkook's voice at this moment, broke the silence that Jimin and Taehyung had been in; startling Jimin to the point that he flinched right as he was putting another piece of glass into his hand.

Jimin hissed as the glass sliced through the skin of his palm, dropping all of the glass he had collected so that he could cradle his damaged hand.

"Ah, shit." He groaned, squeezing his eyes shut as he felt a few drops of blood run down his forearm. He was so absorbed in his own pain that he didn't even hear Jungkook's own cry, only noticing what state the younger was in when he opened his eyes once more.

And despite his vision being teary, he saw it oh so clearly.

Jungkook was as white as a sheet, a paleness that he only achieved when he was sick or terrified, as he held his hand out in front of him. His hand shook as he watched drops of blood roll down his arm, the crimson hue drastically contrasting the tone of his skin.

And then he looked down at Jimin, the older wearing the same shocked and terrified expression as he did.

Jungkook's gaze flickered over to the time on the clock, so that he could break gazes with Jimin.

3:18 pm, the time that Jungkook's world came crashing down.


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