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Jungkook jiggled the doorknob of his and Taehyung's room for the third time, not getting a different result than he did the first two times. Jungkook sighed softly at the realization that he was locked out. He knew that he forgot his keys on his bedside table when he left for class in the morning, and Taehyung wouldn't be back until late into the afternoon.


Every since his 'meltdown' about a week ago Taehyung had been by his side non-stop. He tried to convince the older that he was completely fine, but Taehyung didn't believe him. He said that he did; he didn't ask questions, or try and draw anything out of Jungkook that he hadn't already said. It was just as if he was keeping a closer eye.

Jungkook could always find his blind spot though; at the earliest hours of the morning. When Taehyung was asleep and Jungkook wished he was, the small flame of a lighter would create dancing shadows on the younger's bedroom walls.

But things felt different now, and he wasn't sure why.

Before, Jungkook could injure himself to his heart's content. Now, he had to work himself up to be able to press the flame against his skin. He wanted it, he so desperately wanted to feel the sting, but it was harder to motivate himself to. He found himself to be more sensitive to things as well, something as small as breaking a glass leaving him close to tears because 'you can't even do the little things right Jungkook?' It was like something cracked in his mind that day standing in front of the mirror, and he wanted it fixed as quickly as possible.

But nonetheless, Jungkook stepped back and dug his fingernails into the palms of his hands. The key was literally right beside your head as you slept, you couldn't've picked it up when you woke up? It's not a hard task.

Jungkook sighed, shaking his head before running a hand through his hair. 

"You locked out?" Jungkook looked up, inhaling deeply when he saw Jimin leaning against the wall beside him. He donned his glasses again, a coffee cup in one hand and a sketchbook in his other.  Jungkook frowned as he noticed the bruise that bloomed on the skin above Jimin's eyebrow, the injury mostly covered by the older's hair.

It reminded him of his own, from his fall about a week ago.

"Yeah." Jungkook answered, sighing softly. "Taehyung's not going to be back for a few hours and I forgot my keys inside."

Jimin nodded slowly, biting his lip softly before speaking again.

"Yoongi's out at class as well.." He trailed off, eyes trailing from Jungkook's feet up to his face. "I wouldn't mind a bit of company, if you'd like to come stay at my place until Taehyung is back." Jimin suggested, locking eyes with the younger as he spoke.

Jungkook's eyes widened, tightening his grip on his bag as he thought about the offer. He'd love to honestly, would love to be able to spend his time around someone like Jimin. He knew it sounded like his feelings for Jimin were that of a high school crush, but he was so head over heels for everything that he had gotten to learn about Jimin.

He'd love to know more.

"As long as I wouldn't be intruding.." Jungkook mumbled, Jimin shaking his head and quickly dismissing the younger's words.

"I'd love the company, really." He insisted. "I always like having company over. I've also always liked meeting new people so..." He locked gazes with Jungkook once more, Jimin's eyes silently willing the younger to say yes.

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