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"Taehyung-Ah, you're absolutely sure that you didn't see anyone?"

Jimin sighed, the wind whipping through his hair as he and Taehyung walked towards the building where their classes were. They both had morning classes this morning,and decided to walk together after bumping into each other in the elevator in their dorms. Of course, the mystery guy from a few nights ago was still on his mind. It was weird, because usually by now he's forget the whole ordeal and move on to someone else. He wasn't even this hung up over Taehyung, and the two had went all the way.

"I'm sure Jimin." Taehyung nodded. His hair was pulled back into a baseball cap, parts of his shoulders exposed by the intentional rips in his sweater. Jimin wondered how he wasn't freezing to death. Jimin's own teeth were chattering, and he was wearing three layers of clothing. "This guy must've been quite the fuck, if you're this desperate to find him again."

Taehyung smirked as he spoke, walking closer and brushing shoulders with Jimin.

Jimin looked away, scoffing in attempt to counteract the blush that was creeping up his face.

"I didn't fuck him Taehyung." Jimin huffed, crossing his arms and looking back at the other from the corner of his eye.

"I know." Taehyung laughed, resting his shoulder on Jimin's shoulder. "He fucked you. That's the only way you like it, right Jimin-Ah?" He brought his mouth even closer to Jimin's ear. "I'd know, wouldn't I?"

Of course he'd say something like that. Taehyung and him... They had been what couldn't quite be called "friends with benefits" but were much more than platonic ever since the night they shared together. He'd be lying if he said that he hadn't snuck Taehyung into his apartment after classes.

Taehyung would be lying if he said that some of Jimin's actions didn't leave him weak in the knees; breathless, and needy.

It would also be less than truthful if he said that he didn't wonder where the marks on Jimin's skin came from. But he wouldn't ask about it. Their relationship was less about sharing emotions, and more about exchanging body heat.

Jimin gulped, faced heating up even more as he felt Taehyung's breath against his neck.

"Taehyung..." He breathed, halting his walking and closing his eyes once Taehyung pressed his lips to Jimin's jawline gently. "Taehyung, not here."

"Then where hm?" Taehyung asked, snaking his arm around Jimin's waist and guiding him to start walking again. "Bathroom? Empty classroom? You call the shots Jimin."

"Taehyung... I have to go to class." His voice was shaky, taking a deep breath as he attempted to calm himself. He knew that he was far too affected by Taehyung's actions for his own good. "Not now." Despite his words, Jimin didn't protest as Taehyung pushed him against the wall of the hallway gently. There weren't any students in the hallway, as all of the classes had already started.

"But Jimin.." Taehyung mumbled, peppering light kisses against Jimin's neck. The shorter had his hands around Taehyung's shoulders, fingers gripping into the fabric of his sweater. "You look so good today. I bet you know that too don't you?" Jimin's breath hitched as Taehyung's teeth caught on the skin underneath his jaw.

"Taehyung I'm going to be late for class." Jimin mumbled, tilting his head to the side regardless to give Taehyung more access. "My project is due today, I can't just not go."

Jimin could feel the pout on Taehyung's lips against his skin before the other pulled away.

"That's a shame." Taehyung frowned, running his hand through Jimin's hair and feeling the strands fall between the spaces between his fingers. "Some other time then, yeah?" He asked, Jimin swallowing hard before nodding.

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