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smidgen of smut
but it's like lowkey soft?
idk our boys are emotional
"I think that I could kiss you for hours on end, and I'd never get bored of feeling your lips against mine."

Yoongi laughed softly against Taehyung's lips, curling his fingers around the younger's larger hand as he pulled away.

Taehyung's dorm room was silent, which was a fact that was contradicted by the knowledge that Jungkook had led Jimin into his bedroom a mere hour earlier. Surely, if those two were together then it would produce arguments right? It baffled Yoongi and Taehyung both that they hadn't heard even a splinter of a yell; a fragment of an argument. And yet, there was nothing. Only the sound of each other's breathing graced their ears as Yoongi and Taehyung lay on the couch together.

"Stop being so sappy." Yoongi grinned, leaning forwards and resting his head against Taehyung's shoulder. And then silence fell upon the room once more. It wasn't unsettling for Taehyung, but for Yoongi... He knew what Jimin was like; there should be an explosion of yelling. Jimin always got defensive when he was scared. "Do you think that they're alright?"

"Jungkook and Jimin?" Taehyung asked, Yoongi nodding in response. "I... I'm a bit worried, I won't lie. But this is good for them right? They aren't ignoring each other anymore."

"I know but, it's so quiet." The older of the two sighed. "Shouldn't Jimin be yelling at him by now?"

"Maybe he's finally starting to think rationally." Taehyung played with Yoongi's fingers as he spoke. "Finally decides to listen, instead of always cutting Jungkook off."

"Maybe." Yoongi nodded. "Hopefully."

"Or, you know..." Taehyung chuckled softly. "Makeup sex is always an option."

"Taehyung." Yoongi warned, rolling his eyes and snuggling further into the younger.

"No wait, listen okay?" Taehyung laughed softly, running his fingers through Yoongi's soft hair. "Kook... He's always been shy and skeptical about exposing his body - for good reason too - but with Jimin there's nothing to hide. No surprises, no judgement. Jimin would never judge Jungkook's scars because he has them as well." Yoongi thought for a moment, enjoying the feeling of Taehyung's finger's in his hair as he took in the younger's words.

"I hate it when you're right."

And sure enough, true to Taehyung's suspicions, just a short walk down the hallway was where Jungkook was stripping Jimin's shirt off of him, the older seated nicely in his lap.

"I missed you." Jimin mumbled into Jungkook's neck, hands gripping the younger's hips as Jungkook left light kisses just beneath his ear. "I tried to tell myself that I didn't but God, I missed you so much."

Jungkook's hands roamed Jimin's skin as he tipped the older's head back, sucking softly as the skin of his neck as his hands brushed over the leathery scars on Jimin's skin. He nipped at the skin softly, gasping as he felt the pain prick at the skin of his own neck.

"I missed you too." Jungkook whispered, hands trailing down to rest on top of Jimin's hands. "Hyung I... I don't think I can live without you." He smoothed his hands down Jimin's thighs, sighing softly. "You balance everything out, and make everything seem okay, even when it most definitely isn't."

Jimin paused for a moment, leaning back and looking deep into Jungkook's eyes. So many different emotions swam within the younger's eyes, mixing together to create a look of both want, and vulnerability.

"You're so beautiful." Jimin breathed, bringing both of his hands up to cup Jungkook's face. "So wonderful, inside and out. I know that you won't believe me, no matter how many times I tell you, but you're stunning." He leaned close, nose bumping against the younger's, breath brushing against his lips. "I can't live without you either, I couldn't if I tried."

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