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"I thought that we agreed to take it slower?" Jungkook mumbled the words against Jimin's neck, one of the older's hands gripping his waist. He had Jimin pressed to the wall of his bedroom, and felt dirty knowing that Taehyung was only a room away.

He had told his roommate that Jimin was over to go over some of their course material - and it was partially truthful. That was the original reason that he had invited Jimin over, but things... Escalated, as they usually do, when the two were around each other recently.

But Taehyung didn't suspect anything, of course. There was no way that his quiet, closed off roommate would be able to do anything with Park Jimin, right?

Jimin moaned into Jungkook's ear as the younger bit at the skin just above his collarbone. He couldn't help but observe just how much Jungkook changed when he was put into situations like the one he was currently in. Jungkook was quiet, soft spoken, and shy in all other situations; but during the moments of pure intimacy he was collected, dominating, and skillful - almost a complete flip.

Jungkook rolled his hips against Jimin's, eliciting another moan from the older; hushed as so not to alert Taehyung.

"I.. I don't know Jungkook." Jimin gasped out, tangling one of his hands in the younger's hair. "It's hard to take things slowly when I want you so badly." He felt Jungkook tense up for a moment, and nearly asked what was wrong, but Jungkook resumed his actions as soon as he stopped them; slipping his hands underneath Jimin's loose fitting t-shirt.

Jungkook wasn't sure just how he felt. It had only been about two weeks since he and Jimin had talked in the older's apartment, but he never imagined that Jimin would ever be saying anything of the sort towards him in a million years. 'I want you so badly' Jungkook was trying to avoid stripping off as much clothing as possible, scared that Jimin would take back his words immediately when he saw the damage that he had done to himself.

Jimin only got his shirt off once; when he was drunk. Jungkook only allowed that because he doubted that Jimin would be focused on what scars he had in the drunken, lust filled state that he was in.

Jungkook nudged the hem of Jimin's shirt up, silently asking for permission to strip the material off. The older smirked, pulling his shirt over his head himself, and tossing the material into Jungkook's floor. The younger but his lip, raking his eyes over Jimin's figure. He raised an eyebrow though, upon noticing the bandaids scattered across his skin.

"What are these from, Hyung?" Jungkook asked softly, running his fingers over one of the bandaids. He pressed a kiss to Jimin's collarbone as well, trailing kisses down further as his fingers lingered on the bandages.

Jimin gulped, eyes widening as he felt Jungkook's lips against one of the bandaids close to his ribcage. Could he say that it was his soulmate? Or was that... Shameful?

"Me and Yoongi..." Jimin began, breath hitching as Jungkook's lips travelled down further. "We went to visit one of his friends, and his cat hates me - got all scratched up." He lied, keeping the story short. Jungkook merely hummed in response, and Jimin wondered how the younger was so experienced in what he was doing; considering that Jimin hadn't seen Jungkook with anyone besides Taehyung before their encounter.

However, as Jungkook's lips pressed kisses just above Jimin's navel, there was a knock on the bedroom door. The noise caused both of them to jump, Jungkook's eyes widening as he seemed to snap back into his more timid form.

"Put your shirt back on." Jungkook whispered, "And fix your hair." He picked up Jimin's shirt, handing it to him before pushing the older towards one of the further corners of his room. He watched nervously as Jimin slipped his shirt back on, before he opened the door. "What's up Hyung?" He asked, hoping that Taehyung wouldn't be able to noticed the blush that he could feel on his face.

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