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look lmao I made a kind of shitty book trailer when I should've been working on this chapter
at least I was being productive while putting off writing
Love me
"Hyung, give them back."

Jungkook sighed as he leaned against the doorframe of the kitchen, letting out a cough before he turned to Taehyung once more. "First you take my lighter, now my cigarettes? You know that I can go by more, right? It's just annoying at this point."

Taehyung observed his roommate with a frown, noting just how dull Jungkook looked right then. His hair looked knotted and unruly, a few strands blocking his vision as he stared Taehyung down. He looked way more pale than before, and the dark circles under his eyes had Taehyung wondering how much sleep he had been getting.

"Don't you have class?" Taehyung asked, attempting to change the subject.

"I do." Jungkook nodded, brushing a few pieces of hair out of his eyes. "That's why I'm up. If you're not going to give me the whole pack, just give me one." He held out his hand, raising an eyebrow and looking at Taehyung expectantly. "Hyung."

"Why do you have to be like this?" Taehyung huffed, pulling the pack of cigarettes out of his back pocket. He opened it and took out one, tossing the cigarette in Jungkook's direction.

"Like what?" Jungkook caught the cigarette and spun it between his middle and pointer finger.

"You don't want to try and get better do you?" Taehyung asked, a frown on his face as he spoke. "I'm starting to think that you're fine living like this - hopping from one dangerous habit to another." The older watched as Jungkook broke eye contact. "Smoking isn't going to benefit you, you told me yourself that you tried it before and it didn't deter your urges to burn yourself."

"It didn't, it still doesn't." Jungkook answered, still fiddling with the cigarette between his fingers.

"Then why do you still do it?" The older asked, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion. "It doesn't make sense Jungkook."

"Not to you." Jungkook turned on his heel and walked towards the front door, slipping on his shoes and jacket. "I have to get to class." He grabbed his bag off of the coat hook and slung it over his shoulder, checking inside of it briefly to make sure that he had all that be needed.

"Your class doesn't start for fifteen minutes and it only takes you five minutes to walk there." Taehyung frowned as he leaned against the kitchen counter, watching as Jungkook merely shrugged in response.

"I have to go." And so he left, closing the door behind him and leaving Taehyung in silence.

Jungkook's chest felt heavy as he walked down the hallway of the dorms, spirits only being dropped lower when he walked past Jimin's apartment door. He wondered how to older was doing. Did Jimin even care about how he was doing? Jungkook doubted it, considering how easy it was for Jimin to just walk out of his life.

He heard Jimin's door open soon after he walked past it, and quickly picked up his pace as he walked down the stairs. He wasn't in the mood to see Jimin right then, although he knew that it was inevitable considering that they sat beside each other in class.

He needed a smoke. Jungkook fiddled with the cigarette in his pocket, trying to decide if he would be able to convince Taehyung to give him another one. It was around the time the he stood outside the door to building that his class was in, that he decided that if all else failed he could just buy himself a new pack.

Jungkook sighed deeply, shivering at a cold gust of wind that nipped at the bare skin that he didn't cover up. He leaned against the brick of the building as he fished the cigarette in his pocket, as well as his lighter a few moments later. He brought his hand up to shield his lighter from the wind as he attempted to light the end of his cigarette, sighing in relief once he finally got it lit.

He closed his eyes as he breathed in the smoke and leaned against the building in a more relaxed manner, not allowing himself to be bothered by the cold temperatures that he didn't dress appropriately for. Jungkook's throat was already dry and scratchy, and exposing it to even more smoke obviously wasn't going to improve his situation, but he couldn't find it in himself to care as he breathed the smoke out into the cold air.

He wasn't sure why he decided to pick up on his old habit, to be honest. It was just another form of comforting himself that didn't harm him as much.

The brunette took another drag of his cigarette, eyes still closed as he held the cigarette to his lips.

"What the hell are you doing?" Jungkook eyes snapped open, breathing out the remaining smoke into the air as he looked over to who called his name.

He couldn't say he expected it when he saw Jimin walking over to him, his hair whipping in the wind as he stared Jungkook down. "So you smoke now?" The older stood in front of Jungkook now, looking at the cigarette in between in his fingers.

"So you're talking to me now?" Jungkook answered softly, extinguishing his cigarette on the side of the building he leaned against.

"This isn't about me." Jimin frowned, crossing his arms over his chest. He raised an eyebrow as Jungkook scoffed, looking away from him as he let out a laugh that lacked all humour.

"And it never is right?" Jungkook asked, bringing his eyes to rest on Jimin once more. "It's always about how horrible I am, and what horrible things I do, so you just have to be perfect don't you?" The bitter undertone beneath the younger's words caught Jimin off guard. "Park Jimin doesn't do anything wrong, right?"

"That's not what I'm saying-"

"But it's what you're implying!" Jungkook cut him off, taking a step closer to the older as he spoke. "You don't even take the time to even think about what I could've been going through. I'm just immediately marked as the bad guy."

The smell of smoke was distinct as the space between the two of them shrunk a bit, and Jimin bit his lip as he let Jungkook's words sink in.

He was right.

He knew that his judgement had been clouded, purely due to the fact that he was hurt, and didn't want to believe that Jungkook was the one who had been putting him through what he considered to be a nightmare. Jimin couldn't bring himself to try and think about Jungkook's side of the story; he was hurting and Jungkook was the cause, that's all that mattered right?

"It's really easy to pin the 'villain' role onto me isn't it?" Jungkook asked quietly, looking up once he felt a snowflake land on his nose.

"I'm not going to lie, it really is." Jimin nodded, looking down and wringing his hands. "But I've come to a conclusion."

And finally, the two of them met gazes once again.

"What's your conclusion?" Jungkook asked, and he would be lying if he said that his heart didn't skip when Jimin smiled him for what felt like the first time in ages.

"There's a lot that's unsaid between us isn't there?" Jimin sighed, shaking his head as snowflakes began to collect in his hair. "We're already over twenty minutes late for class, if you'd like we could skip."

"Would you listen to my side of the story if we did?" Jungkook asked, worrying his bottom lip as he attempted to keep eye contact with the older.

"This time I will, I don't think it's healthy to hate my soulmate."


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