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"And you're one hundred percent sure that you're okay with me having a party here?" Yoongi asked as he combed a few fingers through his messy hair.

Jimin nodded, smiling softly at the older. The burns hadn't stopped, but Jimin was trying his best not to let them affect his day as much. A party, would be good. It would be the perfect way to get everything off of his mind; his stress dissolving with each drink he would down.

"Of course." He nodded, pulling his hair back into a baseball cap and yawning. "You just finished a pretty important assignment, and I need a way to get everything off of my mind."

Yoongi couldn't help but smile, nodding and walking towards the door

"In that case, I'm going to need to go out and buy some supplies. I've run dry since the last one." He laughed, slipping on his shoes and grabbing his jacket off of the hook. "You don't have classes today right?" Jimin shook his head. "Want to come with?"

"Sure." Jimin responded, putting his shoes on as well. He really did love spending time with Yoongi, the older was like a brother to him. They both went far back as well; both of them lived in America until Jimin was eighteen and Yoongi was twenty, when they decided to move together.

Moving countries was extremely nerve wracking for Jimin, but he knew that it was Yoongi who was the main factor in helping his adjust to the new lifestyle.

"So, I just sent a message out to everyone I know and told them to bring whoever they wanted." Yoongi laughed as they boarded the elevator to the ground floor. "That might've been a mistake. Our dorm room isn't that big after all."

"You can't take it back now Hyung." Jimin shrugged, chuckling as they got off the elevator and walked outside. "I mean last party you threw it was packed and you didn't even tell them they could bring someone along."

The wind blew, ruffling up the raven strands atop Yoongi's head as he shrugged.

"People will always bring a plus one even if you tell them not to." He sighed, watching as Jimin took his car keys out as they walked towards the parking lot. "Which is why I'm probably going to have to buy double what I did last time."

Jimin chuckled softly, shaking his head as he unlocked his car, the headlights flashing to indicate that he had done so.

"I can chip in if you want." He suggested, getting in the driver's side.

"Sounds good to me." Yoongi nodded, buckling up his seatbelt and fiddling with the radio station Jimin had on as the younger backed out of the parking lot. "You always go for the expensive shit anyway."

"It's expensive for a reason." Jimin laughed, elbowing Yoongi softly. "It because it's the good stuff."

"Everything tastes the same when you're drunk Jimin." Yoongi rolled his eyes, fiddling around with his phone. "I can never understand why you want expensive stuff for parties, when you know that there's going to be that one guy who downs the whole bottle in one go just for the cheers he'll get for it."

Jimin sighed softly, a smile on his lips as he stopped at a red light.

"Okay I see where you're coming from." He nodded. The light turned green again, allowing Jimin and Yoongi to continue off on their journey.

"Exactly." The older yawned softly, typing something into his phone.

"Do you know if Taehyung is coming?" Jimin asked suddenly, Yoongi looking up from his phone and raising an eyebrow.

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