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Warning: the epilogue coincides with the first ending :((
(I cried while writing this)
"Jimin? Jungkook?"

Taehyung couldn't stay within the party atmosphere, when the worry for his friends was weighing on his chest all too heavily. Maybe it was due to how Jimin reacted when he was told about Jungkook; he looked scared and had bolted out of the party so quickly that Taehyung was sure he nearly knocked over a few people.

Taehyung had told Yoongi that he would be as back as soon as possible, explaining the situation with Jimin and Jungkook briefly. The older had nodded, sending Taehyung off with a quick kiss and a "call me if you need anything".

Stepping into his apartment had a much eerier feeling than it once had. He wasn't sure what it was exactly, but the atmosphere made his skin crawl with worry. "Guys? I couldn't stay at that party, I was just too worried about you two." He paused, biting his lip before he walked closer to Jungkook's room.

Why was he so scared?

What could've happened? Surely they had to be okay. "Yoongi-Hyung always tells me that I worry too much, but I'd say that I worry a healthy amount." He was only talking at this point in order to fill the uncomfortable silence. He took a deep breath before placing his hand on the doorknob, trying to shake off the fear that ran through his veins before turning it.

"Jimin? Jungkook?"

It was a peaceful scene at first, one that was familiar to Taehyung's eyes. Jungkook's hands fisted in the front of Jimin's shirt as he lay on top of the older, face in his neck and legs intertwined.

Taehyung only noticed that something was wrong when he took another step forwards, and caught sight of something that made his mouth go dry.

Jungkook's pill bottle. It was full this morning, Taehyung was sure of it. So then why was it almost empty on the floor beside his two best friends? Why were there pills scattered around them as well?

Why couldn't he see their chests rise and fall with each breath that they should be taking?

Why did Jimin look so pale?

"No, no, no." Taehyung dashed over to the two who lay on the floor motionless, immediately crouching down and lifting Jungkook's head up. Why was he so cold? "Jungkook? Hyung's here. Wake up for me okay?" He didn't even realized that he had started crying until he saw one of his tears drip into the younger's skin. "Wake up."

He dreaded each movement of his hand as he pressed his fingers to Jimin's neck, the last bit of his resolve cracking once he didn't feel a pulse beneath his fingertips. "You can't!"

He collapsed into sobs, fingers in Jungkook's hair and face in Jimin's neck; because maybe if he held them close enough he wouldn't have to believe what he knew was true. He could hardly even breathe, choked with sobs and clouded by grief as he shook with sorrow, refusing to let go of them.

Letting go meant accepting that they were gone.

And they couldn't be.

He remembered waking Jungkook up earlier that morning, and remembered the smile on his face as he rolled out of bed.

He remembered Jimin showing up at their front door mere hours ago, practically glowing with happiness.

How could this happen so suddenly?

He didn't know how to stop crying, he didn't know what to do with himself. They both felt so cold, too cold. "I should've walked you home." He sobbed, guilt clawing at his chest as he thought about his encounter with Jungkook earlier that night. "I knew that you weren't okay. I knew."

Taehyung weakly reached into his back pocket, typing in his password through blurry vision. He clicked on Yoongi's contact as quickly as he could, trying to control his tears as the phone rang a few times before the idler picked up.

"Taehyung? What's up?" Taehyung didn't want to answer Yoongi at first, the silence that he provided being that last moments that Yoongi would have before his world came crashing down. "Taehyung?"

"Hyung I don't know what to do." Taehyung cried, not able to hold in his emotions. "They're gone and I don't know what to do."

"What do you mean 'they're gone'?" The panic in Yoongi's voice was evident, and judging by his uneven breathing Taehyung could tell that he had started running out of his dorm room. "Taehyung?"

"I don't want to say it out loud, because that means that it's true - and I don't want to believe that it is." Taehyung sobbed, tightening his grip on the phone as he listened to frantic footsteps burst through the front door.

"Taehyung?" Yoongi could be heard from the living room, Taehyung taking this as a sign to hang up the phone. "Taehyung- oh my god."

He assumed that Yoongi had walked in, but his eyes were closed in hopes that if he didn't see his two friends then it would mean that they were still alive. "What happened?" Yoongi voice cracked with emotion, taking light footsteps before he crouched down next to his sobbing boyfriend. "Jimin."

Taehyung wished that he didn't open his eyes, because the look of sorrow on Yoongi's face was almost too much to bear. "Wake up Min, you have so much that you need to do." He cupped Jimin's face, a few of his tears dripping onto the younger's pale skin. "Remember? We agreed that you're going to become a famous painter, selling pieces for millions of won each. Remember?"

Yoongi's shoulders shook, his hands trembling as he pressed his forehead against Jimin's. "Please don't leave me. I love you too much for you to go." Yoongi slipping back into his english tongue was a painful reminder to Taehyung as to how long the two had known each other.

Taehyung always believed that each person had a platonic soulmate as well. He also believed that's what Jimin was to Yoongi.

And he knew while sitting there, watching his boyfriend's body wrack with sobs as tears slid down his own face, that Yoongi had just lost a part of himself

"What do we do, Hyung?" Taehyung asked, voice shaky and raw as he continued to run his hand through Jungkook's hair. The younger had always loved that, and it had become a reflex at this point.

Yoongi shook his head, pressing his lips to Jimin's forehead.

"I don't know." Yoongi spoke softly, lips brushing against Jimin's skin. He left a light kiss on Jimin's nose as well, before breaking down into sobs once more and burying his head in Jimin's neck. "I really don't know."

What happens when the sun and moon both disappear?

Everything becomes too dark, and too cold.

There isn't going to be an epilogue for the second ending :/

There's going to be a sequel ;)

It's going to be called 'Scarred' and idk when it's going to be out bc I'm still planning but I'm just putting it out there

- Charlie :)

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