quarante. [ending #1]

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I'm sorry in advance.
"I swear Jimin, I'm going to be fine."

Jungkook smiled as his tousled his hair, catching Jimin's gaze in the mirror. "I took my pill at around eight o'clock this morning, nothing's going to happen if I have a few drinks tonight."

Although Jimin trusted Jungkook as much as he could, there was still that tiny bit of doubt that lingered and weighed on his chest. Maybe it was their past that had Jimin worrying about Jungkook's well being every moment of the day, but he just wanted to make sure that everything that was going with the younger wouldn't cause harm to him.

"I thought that you said that you didn't even like parties.." Jimin frowned, resting his hands on Jungkook's waist as the younger adjusted the collar of his shirt. "I can always tell Yoongi-Hyung that I don't want to go, I don't want to force you into anything."

Jungkook shook his head.

"You're making it sound like you don't want me to go." He frowned, resting his hand on top of Jimin's. "I just thought, since I've been doing a lot of things that are new to me lately, why not give this a try as well?"  He caught his boyfriend's gaze in the mirror once more. "It is where I first met you, after all."

"Yeah, where I made a fool of myself." Jimin laughed, nuzzling his head into Jungkook's shoulder. "I'm glad that you didn't take my first impression all too seriously."

The younger shrugged, sighing and turning around. He smiled once Jimin kissed his cheek, his boyfriend's touch calming any stray nerves that he might've had. "We should get going, shouldn't we?"

They walked to Jimin's dorm hand in hand, the music already blaring at them as they walked down the hallway. Jungkook felt a sense of déjà vu from the experience, remembering his first party with Taehyung.

And the first time that he got to taste Jimin's lips.

He ducked down and pressed a kiss to his boyfriend's lips, relishing in the small giggle that Jimin's mouth after he did so.

They arrived at the party soon after, although the couple was already drunk off of each other.

"Going to get drunk tonight Jungkook?" Jimin joked, nudging his boyfriend's side playfully as they walked through the door and into the party atmosphere.

Jungkook laughed softly and shrugged his shoulders.

"Who knows?"


"Jungkook? Where are you going?"

He really shouldn't've had that last shot.

He couldn't even remember how he and Jimin got separated, but he already regretted that it happened; feeling vulnerable and alone without the other by his side. Maybe it was the alcohol that was heightening his worries, but he either needed to lie down, or have Jimin in his arms in order to feel better. Preferably both.

It was after his fifth shot that he had pushed his way through the crowd, the loud music beginning to make his head pound. It was strange, because he would usually not let himself get this drunk. It was probably due to his life being on an incline lately that he decided that he deserved to let loose a little bit.

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