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In this moment, Jungkook would ask himself again; just how did he manage to get himself into a situation like this?

What had started as a quick peck on Jimin's lips had escalated when the older had dove back in for another kiss once Jungkook pulled away. It couldn't be coined as innocent anymore when Jimin guided Jungkook's hands underneath his shirt, or when he tilted his head to the side to let the younger bite at the skin there.

And there was definitely no room for innocence now, as Jungkook straddled Jimin's hips, pinning the older to his own bed.

"More, Jungkook." Jimin gasped out, words dripping with neediness as he bucked his hips upwards in attempt to find friction somewhere. Jimin's face was dusted a rosy pink, lips kiss swollen and red as he parted them to take in more gasped breaths. Jungkook pushed Jimin's shirt up, revealing the smooth, tanned skin beneath it.

He disregarded a few bandaids that were scattered above the waistline of Jimin's jeans, instead choosing to move down and suck a few marks against the older's hipbones; an action that had Jimin mewling and fisting his hands in his bedsheets. "Wait." Jungkook paused and sat up, straddling Jimin's thighs. Jimin looked up at him through half-lidded eyes, his lips curling into a smirk as he spoke his next words. "Take it off."

Jungkook gulped, raising an eyebrow.

"What?" He asked, Jimin giggling softly and bringing his hand up to curl around the hem of Jungkook's shirt.

"Your shirt." Jimin's words were slurred slightly, "I want it off."

Jungkook hesitated before making any further movements, weighing the gravity of the situation before he continued. He had scars, he knew he did. Although most of them were below his waistband, there were a few scattered ones that the top of his jeans didn't cover. Was Jimin sober enough to notice them? Was he sober enough to ask about them?

"Don't make me do it myself." Jimin giggled, blush still evident on his face as he tugged on Jungkook's shirt.

Jungkook gulped as he reached for the hem of his shirt, heart thudding in his chest as he began to lift it up. When it was over his ribcage he spared a glance at Jimin - his scars were completely bared now, so if Jimin was going to react it was going to be now. He bit his lip as he saw Jimin's eyes widen before he tugged it over his head completely.

"So handsome." Jimin breathed, voice thick with seduction. He let his head drop back onto his pillow, gaze sultry as he reached up and pulled Jungkook's head back down. "Touch me."

The words Jimin spoke sent a shiver down Jungkook's spine, gulping and ducking down to press kisses along Jimin's ribcage. He trailed them downwards, stopping and biting at the sensitive skin around his hips once more. Jungkook swore for a second that he felt pain prick at his own skin as he did this, but shrugged it off as his fingers undid the button of Jimin's jeans. But when Jimin's giggle flooded his ears as he pulled down the older's zipper, he had to take a moment.

Was he really going to do this?

Jungkook was borderline sober, the only alcohol in him at that moment being half a bottle of soju. He knew what he was doing, his judgements weren't clouded, and his thoughts weren't disoriented. Jimin on the other hand, was borderline pass out drunk. His sentences were almost incoherent, words slurred if not interrupted by a fit of drunken laughter. Jungkook tasted the alcohol on his lips when they kissed, and watched as Jimin was hardly able to walk in a straight line as he dragged Jungkook to his bedroom.

Wasn't it unfair?

If he went through with this, he knew that it would weigh on his guilty conscience for a long time. Jimin was too drunk to know what he wanted right then, Jungkook was sure of it.

And so he stopped the actions of his hands, deciding that he wasn't going to take advantage of Jimin like that, in the state that he was in. "Jungkook-Ah, why you stop?" Jimin had a pout on his lips, eyes drooping as he looked at the younger.

Jungkook sat up, sighing before he reached down to caress Jimin's face softly. The blush on his face right then made him look even more beautiful, but Jungkook knew that he was doing the right thing. It wasn't like he'd be able to pull off just a one night stand anyway, his emotions got in the way.

"I think you should get some rest instead." Jungkook sighed, pushing a few sweaty strands of hair off of Jimin's forehead. The older only frowned more at Jungkook's words, whining softly.

"I don't want to go to sleep right now Jungkook." Jimin slurred. "All I want is you."

"Jimin." Jungkook breathed, using his freehand to pull Jimin's shirt down again. "If you really want this you'll come back to me when you're sober."

The older shook his head, huffing and wrapping his fingers around Jungkook's wrist. Jungkook wouldn't deny that he'd love to kiss Jimin, and touch him all over until the sunlight filtered through the window in the morning. He looked so stunning beneath him; silver strands of hair fanning out against the pillow, sweat beading up on his forehead, lips bitten red and raw.

"I want you now." Jimin whined, frowning as Jungkook began to climb off of him.

"Do you?" Was all that Jungkook answered, sighing as he sat beside Jimin on the bed. "Goodnight Jimin."

Jungkook stood up and picked up his shirt off of the floor, pulling it back over his head. He patted around his pockets until he found what he was looking for; a small pack of aspirin that he kept on him for the reoccurring headaches that he would get from time to time. He set two on Jimin's nightside table, catching a glance at the older and chuckling softly when he saw Jimin's eyes start to droop as a result of his tiredness.

"Stay, at least." Jimin's voice was quieter now, and the words caught Jungkook off guard.

"Stay?" He asked incredulously, Jimin nodding lazily in response.

"Please?" He asked, and the younger of the two didn't know how to say no, when Jimin's voice sounded as small as it did then.

Jungkook sighed softly before nodding, telling Jimin that he'd be right back before walking into the attached bathroom. There was a clean cup next to the sink that he filled up with water, before walking back into Jimin's room. He set the cup next to the aspirin, hoping to lessen the older's pain in the morning.

Then, he climbed back into bed with Jimin.

The older's arms immediately wrapped around him, but Jungkook couldn't let himself relax. As soon as Jimin was fast asleep he would be gone, despite how much he wanted to stay the night. Despite how much he wanted to hold Jimin close to him and feel his heartbeat. Running his hands through Jimin's hair as the older's breathing would even out, his small hands grabbing hold of the fabric of Jungkook's

He wanted all of that.

He also wanted to see Jimin in the morning, with his messy hair and voice thick with sleep.

But instead, he planned ways to pry Jimin's arms off of him as he stared at the ceiling.

Simply because he didn't want to make things complicated between the two of them. This was too fast. He was sure that Jimin would agree, that is, if Jimin even wanted any form of relationship with him.

Maybe he didn't whatsoever. Which would be the reason that Jungkook was moving Jimin off of him as gently as possible.

Simply because doubt always overruled the chance of satisfaction.


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