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Taehyung didn't think that Jungkook truly realized how much he cared about him.

When he was younger, his parents had been extremely strict. On weekdays, he went to school and then came home and finished his homework straight after. After that, he'd have to review his notes for hours on ends. Weekends were not free days, weekends were chore days. He didn't really have any say or free will in his household, hardly even an inch of fun was packed into his childhood. He was the eldest, he had a lot to live up to. Due to this, Taehyung hardly got to spend time with his little siblings as much as he wanted to.

When he parents told him that he was going to have younger siblings he was ecstatic. He could teach them things, have fun with them and let caring for them be his little free time  away from all of the stress. But no, his parents didn't let him. Studying and chores. The only two things that would please his parents. "Family bonds can form at any time, education must begin at young age in order to be successful"


They say that children in strict households always rebel, and Taehyung was the epitome of a student that his parents would hate.

But Jungkook, he was like the younger sibling that Taehyung never got to care for. The little brother that he never got to spend time with.

And Taehyung was starting to get worried.

It wasn't that Jungkook had always been an extremely upbeat and friendly person, but now he was more closed off than ever. Taehyung didn't know what happened, but it dwelled on him greatly as he dragged himself through his day. He told Jungkook that he should take the day off that day as well, but he wished that he could be there with the younger.

His mind was most likely blowing things drastically out of proportion, but he couldn't help but wonder, is Jungkook okay? Is he safe on his own? Would he hurt himself-

No. Jungkook wouldn't.

Taehyung wrung his hands as he walked down the hallway towards their room, heart beating even faster as he got closer.

He wouldn't right?

Taehyung quickly fished his keys out of his pocket, nearly dropping them as he tried to unlock the door as quickly as he could. Jungkook was alright. He was overreacting. The younger could take care of himself perfectly fine.

But the way he was acting that morning.. He looked so empty. Taehyung had never seen him like that before and it was unsettling.

"Jungkook?" He called the moment he walked in the door, biting his lip when he didn't get an answer right away. He checked at the foot of the door, able to see that Jungkook's shoes were still there. His coat was still on the coat hook as well. He was home, maybe he was asleep and that's why he wasn't answering. Taehyung held onto that thought as he kicked off his shoes and hung his bag on a coat hook.

"Jungkook?" He called for the younger again, walking down the hallway and turning the doorknob of Jungkook's door. He slowly stepped in and didn't find the younger in his bed, only fuelling his anxiety further.

His stomach dropped when he noticed the younger's bathroom light on, the door closed. He wouldn't. Taehyung stuck to that thought as he knocked on the door a few times. "Kook, I told you to always answer when I call for you. It worries me when you don't."

He received no response again.



Everything was hazy when Jungkook woke up. His head pounded, goosebumps pricking up all over his skin due to his bare skin being against the cold tile floor. The voice that was calling for him sounded far away as he opened his eyes, squinting them as the harsh light hurt his vision.

What happened? He sat up, bringing a hand up to his head and quirking an eyebrow when he felt a bump just above his eyebrow. It wasn't huge, but it was large enough to be noticeable. He used the bathroom counter to help himself stand up, and it was when he caught sight of himself in the mirror that he remembered how he got into the situation that he was currently in.

He remembered the gut wrenching sadness he felt as his thumb wiped away some of the dried tear tracks on his cheeks. He remembered the self hatred that slapped him across the face as he looked at his own reflection.

He remembered breaking down.

There were four more persistent knocks on the door, only adding to the pain of Jungkook's headache as he turned towards the door.

"Jungkook please answer. I know that you're in there." It was Taehyung. "Just... Let me know that you're alright. I don't want to have to break this door down."

Jungkook eyes widened, and he bent down and picked up his discarded clothing as quickly as he could. He rushed as he put them back on, before he wiped at his eyes once more to try and hide any evidence that he was crying. He had to take a moment to shut his eyes, headache rattling throughout his skull. How hard did he fall? Jungkook wasn't sure, he didn't even remember falling in the first place.

He took a deep breath before turning the door handle, biting his lip softly as he came face to face with an extremely concerned looking Taehyung. The older looked as if he was going to cry when his eyes landed upon Jungkook, lunging forward and pulling the younger into a hug. "Why weren't you answering? I told you that worries me. I've been calling for you for the last five minutes.."

Jungkook stood stiff as Taehyung's arms wrapped around him, not sure how to respond as his roommate's words sunk in. "I thought something happened to you."

Jungkook sighed softly, allowing himself to relax just a bit in Taehyung's hold.

"I'm alright, I think." Jungkook mumbled, voice hoarse and cracking at the end. He suspected it was from the amount of crying he went through earlier on. "I must be overworking myself, I'm pretty sure I fainted."

Taehyung pulled back, eyes wide as he took on the younger's appearance.

Jungkook's eyes had noticeable dark circles below them, skin paler than usual. There was a blooming bruise on his temple, a small bump underneath it. His hair was tangled and messy, face blotchy in a way that had Taehyung suspect that he had been crying.

He wasn't okay.

"Are you sure that's all?" Taehyung asked, hoping that Jungkook would open up more to him right then.

Nonetheless, the younger shook his head.

"I'm sure."


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