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The only thing that Jimin hated about parties, was the day after.

He groaned in pain, his hand flying to his head as soon as he woke up. He didn't even think that he drank that much, but the throbbing headache that he was currently enduring told him otherwise. His eyes were squinted when he finally opened them and he sat up, looking to his dresser and becoming extremely relieved to find a glass of water and a pill sitting there.

Bless your soul Yoongi. Was all he could think as he downed the pill with one gulp of water, assuming that it was him who put it there, before he allowed himself to collapse back into his bed.

It was when he closed his eyes once more, that multitudes of memories from the night before crashed into his thought process.

"Do you really want me to kiss you?"

"I do."

Jimin's eyes shot back open, eyes wide as he thought about his actions from the night before. He was fully dressed this time, despite his shirt being untucked and the button of his jeans being undone, but some of the memories he had led him to believe that he was very close to not being as clothed as he currently was.

He could remember the lips on his. They were soft, and they were hesitant at first. He could remember the hands on his hips, then in his hair, then just barely slipping under his shirt. He could remember the kitchen counter pressing against the small of his back as he was pushed against it, and he could remember loving every second of it.

He remembered the teeth pulling at his bottom lip, and the strong hands holding his waist as he leaned into their touch. What he couldn't remember, was his face.

Jimin groaned. He sighed softly as he brought his hand to his face, cursing himself for drinking as much as he had. Why was it, that he could remember all of the amazing things that happened, but he couldn't remember the one that did them? Was it someone that he hadn't met before hand? Maybe that was why it was so hard to pull the memory out of his hazy mind.

He stretched his arm out towards his night table, blindly feeling around for his phone until the cool surface of its screen grazed his fingertips. He picked it up, turning his head to look at the screen once he turned it on.

10:18. He had class at 10:30.

Jimin finally slid his legs over the side of his bed, cringing slightly when he stood up and silently begging for his headache to subside as soon as possible. He could already hear Yoongi in the kitchen, which made sense because he probably just got back from his class at eight.

Jimin dragged his feet the entire way towards the kitchen, popping his head through the doorway and looking at Yoongi through tired eyes.

"I feel like I'm dying." He spoke, voice raspy as he walked further into the kitchen. Yoongi's head turned, looking at Jimin from where he was pouring himself a bowl of cereal.

"Oh you're awake." The older laughed, pouring milk into his bowl. "How'd you sleep?" The teasing tone was evident in his voice, even more noticeable with the slight chuckle that followed afterwards.

"Fine actually." Jimin sighed, running a hand through his messy hair. He still wore his clothes from last night; black t-shirt untucked and slipping off of his shoulder, the slight amount of eyeliner he had on smearing a bit when he rubbed his eyes. "It's waking up that was the shitty part."

Yoongi laughed softly.

"How's your head?" He asked, Jimin shrugged as he stole some of the cereal out of the box that Yoongi left on the counter.

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