Chapter 6

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WARNING: As I said in the description, this story contains mature contents, including curse words, suggestive theme etc. Readers discretion is advised.

Her lips were softer and sweeter than he could ever imagine. Jungkook held Sana closer, making her gasp at the feeling of his hard muscles. He used this chance to invite himself in, hungrily exploring her lovely mouth.

All of a sudden, her lips began to move against his own. An electrifying sensation coursed through Jungkook's entire being, making him freeze for a second before letting out a low growl of pleasure. Damn her and her teasing tongue. It was driving him crazy.

- "You are unexpectedly good." - Jungkook smirked when they finally parted for air. Gradually, his hands travelled down her delicious curves...

Only to be harshly pushed away. He raised an eyebrow, expecting an explanation.

- "I'm hungry." - Sana blurted out.

'Oh? she wants me that bad hmm?' - The thought brought a smug grin to his face. - 'And here I thought I was the only impatient one.'

- "It's okay." -  Jungkook leaned over, effectively trapping her between the bed and his body. - "I'll make sure to satisfy your hunger." - He huskily whispered into her ear. - "Soon."

He then attempted another kiss but Sana tilted her head to avoid it and proceeded to shove him off, again.

- "No..." - She sighed. - "I mean, I'm starving. I haven't eaten for 2 days. I don't have enough energy..."

Jungkook frowned. This woman was going to leave him hanging after all that? Seriously? What kind of game was she trying to play?

'Or maybe she's really hungry.' - Judging from her previous reaction, obviously she desired him just as much so there shouldn't be any other reason.

- "Alright." - Eventually, he decided to stand up. - "Come. I'll take you to the dining room."

Jungkook opened the door and motioned for her to follow.

- "But once you're done, we'll finish this."


It was a tough situation. On one hand, Sana didn't want to piss the guy off. Jimin had warned her about Jungkook being a prideful man with a very bad temper. Hence, he told her to be careful since the guy might resort to violence if someone were to deny him of what he wanted. On the other hand, Sana didn't wish to become one of Jungkook's disposable 'toys' neither. She had her own agenda so she needed to buy as much time as possible, at least until she could accomplish her mission.

Thus, she tried to kiss him to the best of her ability, in hope that he'd actually believe that she's attracted to him and therefore, wouldn't explode upon her seemingly ridiculous excuse. Fortunately, in the end, things actually worked out in her favor.

- "Can you eat any slower?"

It was frustrating to see the girl in front of him taking her sweet time while he was struggling with his raging hormones.

- "A food cannot possibly be of benefit unless it is thoroughly enjoyed."

He scoffed in annoyance.

- "Yeah right. I'll give you 15 minutes. After that..."

- "Jungkook sshi." - A man suddenly interrupted. - "Forgive me for the disturbance. The master wishes to talk to you."

Great, just when he thought he could finally have the girl who had been haunting his mind for the last few days for himself.

- "Tell him I'll be there." - The lad grudgingly stood up then turned to Sana. - "You." - He pointed at her. - "Don't leave this house until I come back."

She nodded.

- "I won't."

- "Good."

And with that, Jungkook walked away. The moment he disappeared from sight, Sana let out a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding. Finally, she was able to finish her meal in peaceful silence.

'Now, what should I...'

- "Excuse me." - Sana glanced at the newcomer who just spoke to her. To her surprise, it was a tall and handsome male with brown hair. His formal attire made him look like one of those dashing princes in the fairy tales she used to read when she was younger.

- "I'm Jung Jaehyun, the butler." - He bowed. - "At your service."

- "Sana. Minaki Sana." - She returned the gesture out of courtesy.

- "A beautiful name for a beautiful girl." - Jaehyun gave her a charming smile, which she awkwardly tried to mirror. - "The young master instructed me to escort you the guest room."

- "I see." - But of course. Jungkook wouldn't like her wandering around during his absence. - "Thank you."


Sana took a shower and changed into the the outfit the maids had prepared for her. She dropped down on the soft king-sized bed and closed her eyes to get her much needed short rest. Even if she didn't show it, the events that took place within these past few days were actually getting to her. Before this, she was living such a quiet and simple life... But now that she's here, she was determined to find out the truth.

'It's time.'

Since it was already past midnight, most should be asleep, providing a perfect opportunity for her to take action. Even though there was a high chance that she'd fail to discover anything considering how large this mansion was, it's certainly worth a shot. After all, she didn't know how much longer she could stay...

'Someone's coming.' - Sana quickly hid herself behind the thick velvet curtains, having caught a glimpse of the approaching shadow reflected on the wall. As the sound of footsteps got nearer then stopped, she prayed in her mind that the person wouldn't notice her presence. Otherwise, she might get into big trouble.

Thus, her eyes went wide upon seeing a hand slowly slipping through the drapes...

Authors' Note: Hello, we'd like to thank all of our readers for supporting this story. Every vote and comment is greatly appreciated.
Also, we're looking for a beta reader so if anyone is interested, please leave us a message. Thank you! :)

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