Chapter 1

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- "Said"


A loud sound made Sana jolt awake. She opened her eyes yet only darkness consumed her vision. There was a tightness around her head, indicating that there might be some sort of blindfold. She attempted to move her hands and feet but found herself unable to.

- "She is not Myoui Mina." - She heard a male said. Judging by the tone, he seemed... angry?

'Myoui Mina?'  - Sana didn't know anyone who had that name.

- "Hyung, but I heard someone calling her Mina!" - Another voice protested.

- "AISH!!" - Breaking noises were heard again. - "Jimin, you had ONE simple task: take the freakin' girl and escape. How the heck could you mess it up?"

Finally, Sana was able to put the pieces together. From her current condition plus the conversation she's just heard from the ones in front of her, it seemed like they wanted to kidnap someone by the name of Myoui Mina, whoever she was. Too bad, they've got the wrong girl, who unfortunately happened to be her.

'What exactly happened?'

The last thing she remembered was the memory of her going to the balcony alone after having excused herself from that party her friend invited her to. It was actually an so-called exclusive event only for the richest of the riches. Of course, Sana was far from belonging to this category but her close friend, Im Nayeon, was. As Nayeon's father was the CEO of the biggest entertainment agency in South Korea, technically it made her one of those elite kids. However, Nayeon didn't like that one bit. In fact, she hated those 'snobby two-faced fakers', quoting her exact words, so much that she wanted to stay away from them as far as possible. No, Nayeon would rather associated herself with 'commoners' like Sana instead.


- "You have to go with me to this party or I'd die of boredom." - Nayeon pleaded, pouting as she made her infamous puppy dog eyes. - "Pretty please, with a cherry on top!"

Sana sighed. She could never say no to that face.

- "Alright alright, I will. Pick me up at 5."

- "Thanks a bunch!" - Nayeon gave her a hug. - "You're the best!"

Thus, Sana came to that party dressed in a fancy white knee-length dress Nayeon let her borrowed. At first, it was actually quite fun because she got to eat these delicious foods to her heart's content and Nayeon kept her company by talking about all sorts of things. However, after they finished their meals, it was the dreaded time for socializing. Now, as great as Nayeon was as a friend, she still had a big weakness. Even though it was mentioned before that Im Nayeon couldn't stand most rich kids, there had always been one exception in her list: Park Jinyoung Jr. In fact, whenever they met, Nayeon would often ignore everyone around them and give only him her absolute attention. Therefore, the moment Sana noticed Jr approaching, she knew exactly what to do in order to avoid being the third wheel again.

- "I'll go get some fresh air."

- "What? Mina..." - Nayeon trailed off when she saw how alarmed her friend looked. She almost forget that she shouldn't call Sana's full name, lest her cover be blown. - "Oops. Anyway, don't you dare leave me!"

- "Don't worry, I'll be back." - Sana assured her then walked away. Nayeon was about to whine when a light tap on the shoulder stopped her from doing so.

- "Hello, Nayeonie."

- "Jinyoung oppa?"

About Sana, she was glad to escape from that crowded place for awhile. As she gazed up the night sky full of twinkling little stars, a smile made its way onto her face. Then all of the sudden...

End of flashback

- "Well, let's see who is... Oh."

Sana was startled out of her deep thoughts by the sudden light filling her vision. Not until then did she realize that her blindfold had been taken down and she was now able to see her kidnappers, standing there with a bewildered expression on their faces.


Authors' Note: We decided to write a new story! Not much happened in this chapter but things will get more interesting in upcoming updates. Votes & comments are always greatly appreciated and will motivate us to update faster! :)

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