Chapter 16

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Fortunately, the breakfast passed by without any big incident until Taehyung left. However, before Sana could even breathe out a sigh of relief, she was stopped by Jungkook in the hallway. Masked by a blank expression, he grimly told her to follow him to his reading room. No word was exchanged on their way, but Sana could sense that something was bothering him.

Once they arrived and both took a seat, Jungkook began.

- "So, are you going to tell me or do I need to ask?"

Sana averted her eyes. Thousands of thoughts crossed her mind: Did Jungkook find out about what happened yesterday? If yes, then how? Jaehyun told Yerin and her that he wouldn't report them since it was their first offense. Wait, could it be Kim Taehyung...

Sana contemplated about how she should answer. She didn't want to tell him more than what he might know and give herself away.

- "I'm not sure what you're talking about."

Jungkook scowled.

- "Don't play coy. I'm not blind. I could see you squirming from across the room during breakfast." - His patience was obviously wearing thin. - "Now talk, or else."

Sana sighed.

- "...Alright." - He would eventually find out anyway, so she'd rather say it herself. - "Yesterday, I went to the palace. That's why when I saw his Highness at your mansion this morning, I was afraid that I'd be arrested."

It wasn't a total lie per se, she simply left out some 'minor' details.

Too bad for her, Jungkook caught on with ease.

- "You didn't tell the whole truth, did you?" - He moved to stand directly in front of Sana. - "You know, infiltration is a serious crime. You might end up serving jail for years, or worse..." - His fingers lightly caressed her chin and lifted her face up to look at him. - "However, if you tell me who's your accomplice, I'll spare you and punish them instead."

Sana tried her best not to flinch. It was moments like these that she was reminded of how dangerous Jungkook really was. His formidable posture, his sharp tone, his cold gaze... Everything indeed belonged a professional interrogator. Even though the threat wasn't direct, it was hard to escape the suffocating pressure fuelled by Jungkook's intimidating presence.

- "You're mistaken." - Sana bravely held her stance. - "There wasn't any accomplice."

- "You really expect me to believe that a commoner without any connection like yourself got through the palace's security system alone?" - He snorted. - "Don't be ridiculous. You're fooling no one."

- "But it's true." - Sana retorted. Despite her inner fears, she was determined not to drag Yerin into this mess.

- "I'll give you one last chance..."

- "I have nothing else to say" - She cut him off. - "If you must, go ahead and report me."

The air was thick with tension as they stared intently at each other, neither willing to back down.

- "You're more stubborn than I thought." - Jungkook smirked and closed the gap between them. - "But damn does it turn me on."

His lips crashed against hers in an instant, full of lust and desire. Jungkook couldn't pinpoint what exactly was it about Sana that attracted him to her like a moth to a flame. He never felt this strongly about anyone. The feeling was strange and alarming, yet he couldn't care less - especially not when he got her exactly where he wanted. Her lips were even softer and sweeter than he could remember, her addicting taste easily distracted his mind from their conversation. Since she was too stunned to resist, he took advantage of the situation and wrapped his arms around her body, pressing it close. Through the contact, he could feel both of their hearts beating wildly.

Yet, it wasn't for the same reason.

- "S...stop." - Sana whispered breathlessly. Jungkook's fervent kisses made her knees go weak, but her mind knew they shouldn't be doing it. At least not here, not now. - "W...ait!" - She panicked when Jungkook began to grab onto the zipper of her dress, his other hand circled her waist to keep her in place. His talented tongue finally gave her mouth a break, only to trail down her jawline and give her delicate neck a soft lick.


This was the first time Jungkook heard Sana raising her voice at him. He momentarily halted his movements, yet refused to let go.

- "What?" - His eyebrows crossed in annoyance.

- "...Someone's watching."

Jungkook turned his head to look at the entrance and indeed, a maid was standing there, flabbergasted at the scene she has just witnessed.

- "Don't you see we're busy?" - Jungkook grimaced, eyes burning a hole into the uninvited onlooker. - "Get lost."

- "B...but Master Kwon's o..rder..." -  The poor maid was trembling like a leaf. Regardless, she'd certainly rather suffer Jungkook's wrath than GD's, lest she fail to deliver the message. - "Y...our presence is requested..."

- "F*ck." - Jungkook cursed. It totally slipped his mind that he was supposed to meet GD later on.

Originally, he didn't plan to take so much time with Sana. He just needed her to answer a few simple questions to get it done and over with. The truth was, the royal guards contacted him earlier that day - even before his breakfast with Taehyung. One would be too naive if they thought they could escape from a palace so easily. In fact, the guards let her escape on purpose in order to track her affiliation. When they found out she was somehow connected to the Kwon however, they informed Jungkook beforehand knowing Crown Prince Taehyung and him were pretty close friends. Besides, considering how influential and powerful GD truly was, they couldn't just burst into the Kwon mansion all of the sudden like in other cases. Thus, they agreed on Jungkook taking matter into his own hand and reporting back to the royal security afterwards. When he noticed Sana's strange attitudes during breakfast, it was easy for him to put the pieces together. Even though Jungkook was quite pissed at her for breaking the rules, somehow the thought of handing her in didn't seem appealing at all. He didn't really understand the urge to go through such length for a mere woman but decided not to dwell on it.

So he came up with another way to get her out of this mess. Since Jungkook was convinced that there was at least another who accompanied her, he wanted to figure out their identity and put all the blame on that person. It was that easy.

Now, if only she was more cooperative...

- "You're really not going to spill, are you?"

It took Sana a few seconds to fully take in his question (blame their proximity and position for the distraction!). When she did though, resolution clearly shone in her eyes.

- "There's nothing to spill." - She stated firmly.

Jungkook breathed out a frustrated sigh. He didn't have time for this and Sana's 'bravery' was not helping the situation at all. Who was she trying to protect? Did she think of herself as some sort of hero? Was she challenging him? Would she have the guts to go against him like that once she knew about the cruel tortures they enforced upon prisoners?

Probably not.

Jungkook supposed Sana was only able to say such courageous nonsenses because she had never witnessed those horrible processes, unlike himself.

Damn, she better be thankful he still wanted to keep her.

- "Alright. I'll let you off the hook this time." - Jungkook finally released Sana from his hold, albeit grudgingly, and stood up. - "Consider yourself lucky."

A/N: Happy New Year everyone! I hope 2018 will be a wonderful year for all of us. Stay healthy and happy!

Comments and votes are always greatly appreciated! <3

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