32 - Vampires don't look like they're baked in mud.

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<Update : 05/01/17>

A/N: Ahh, it feels odd to write 2017, it's so new. I still think 2007 was three years ago. Time is making a fool of us again, isn't it?

Anyway dear beautiful readers, here's another installment for HIL. I hope you enjoy it. 

If you like the chapter, please don't forget to vote! 

Happy Reading!! :)


Chapter 32 -  Vampires don't look like they're baked in mud.

Complete silence followed his proclamation. I felt the blood drain from my face as I stood there gaping at him.

After you go on a date with me.

After you go on a date with me.

After you go on a date with me.

The sentence reverberated in my head like a stuck record. I tried hard to coordinate my mouth with my brain but that seemed to be very difficult right now.


"Why- why would you wanna do that?" I didn't recognize my voice as I finally managed to say this.

"What?" He was totally confused, looking concernedly over at me.

"This dating thing with me. Why?" I asked completely scared. He took a moment. And then he smiled.

"Oh no no. I didn't mean it that way. I said, after you go as a date with me."

Oh thank God. Going as a date to something was totally fine by me. Cal had taken me to various events as his date before. All three of us girls had actually made a pattern so none of us missed the chance to go. The food, people. Only for the food.

Cal hated those parties, we made it tolerable he used to say. I am assuming since Dave too falls into the hierarchy of that same social level, this something too will be quite similar.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much God.

Phew. I blew out a breath laughing softly.

"Thank God. I thought you meant.... You just scared me there for a second." His chuckle joined my nervous laughter. Was it my imagination or did it feel forced?

"Sorry. I didn't mean to."

"I know." I smiled up at him.

We walked through the gates to his car. He opened the passenger side door for me as always and closed it behind me.

"So.." I started as he got in and pulled over. "What is it?"

"Huh?" He asked, glancing at me for a second before looking back at the road.

"You want to take me as a date to what?"

"Oh..oh it's just a stupid thing. You don't have to exactly come if you don't want to."

"Will you still play the guitar for me if I don't ?"

"Nope." He winked at me before focusing on the road again.

"Then I'll go."

"But it's a stupid thing."

"It's no problem."

"Why do you wanna go?"

Yes Steph, why do you wanna go?

"Because I wanna listen to you play your guitar!!!" I yelled in his ear. He just laughed. Cal would have yelled back in my ear. Greg would have probably lost the control of the car. But this guy just laughed.

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