Request 2 Kaela

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*Phone rings*
You pick up your phone and see its your best friend Luke. You automatically smile and pick it up. "Hello there."
"Hi Kaela."
"Whats up?" You ask taking a sip of your Dr.Pepper.
"Wanna do a video with me for YouTube?"
"Sure what kind of video?"
"The Best Friend Tag?"He said sounding more like a question. "Sounds good. Ill be over in like 15 minutes."
"See ya then."
"Bye Luke."
You hung up and grabbed your Black beanie and your penny board and headed for Luke's house.
He opened the door and pulled you up to his room. "Ok so I wrote out some questions and we just ask them back and forth and see who the better best friend is." You nodded. "What does the winner get?" You asked. "They get to.....Dare the other person to do whatever they want and the have to do it." You smiled deviously. "I like the sound of that." He chuckled and you guys started the video. "Hello everyone. If you didn't notice there is a pretty girl in my room." You blushed at his comment of you being beautiful. "Her name is Kaela and she is my bestest friend in the whole wide world." "Hi guys this is Luke and he's my bestest friend in the whole wide world." "What a coincidence." He said making you laugh. "Today were doing the BEST FRIEND TAAAAAG." "Tag you're it." You smile. "Tag no tag backs." he said. "Dang it!" You said crossing your arms and pouting like a little kid. You answer questions about your favorite colors, where you met, and you favorite movies and stuff like that that best friends should know. The score ended 6-7 Luke with 7 because you forgot his favorite song because he changes it all the time. "HA now you have to do whatever I say." he laughed. "Ok ok what do I have to do?" "Hmmm I dare you your crush." Your eyes shot open "On camera?" "Ill bleep his name so no one knows." Yea like that'll help you thought. "Go on doooo ittttt." he said poking you. You rolled your eyes and dialed up his number.
*Phone rings*
"Hello?" Luke says staring at you with his eyes wide.
"I love you." You said before he kissed you lightly on the lips. "I was hoping that I was who you'd call. Will you be my girlfriend?" "Of course." You smiled. You were about to kiss him when you realized the camera was still on. "Uh Luke." "Yea?" "Your viewers." You reminded him. "Oh yea. Hey guys BTW I have a girlfriend as of 10 seconds ago and if I see hate ill block you." He warned before lifting his shirt and putting his nipple to the lens. He turned off the camera and went back to you. "Now where were we?" He asked before pulling you into a kiss.

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