Request 10 Raylene

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You and Matt were out in the snow having a snowball war. The snow was still falling and it was freezing out. "Matt you know your going to lose right?" You yelled across the yard. "In your dreams Raylene!" He yelled back. You balled up a snowball and through it. "Ow!" You heard Matt yell as you dropped down behind your fort Matt helped you build. You peeped up over the wall to see if Matt was about to fire. Wrong move. A snowball hit you in the forehead. "Oh I've been hit. Help please I've gone blind." You said pretending to faint. Matt ran over to you and laid your head in his lap. "Just hold on a little longer. Don't look to the light." He played along. "I need. I need. I need hot chocolate." You whispered. He chuckled and helped you up You walked back to his house and say in front of the fireplace wrapped in blankets sipping at your got chocolate. "And how is your cocoa ma' lady?" Matt smiled. "Wonderful." you said taking another sip of your cocoa. "Wanna watch a movie?" He asked. "Sure which movie?" "How about Frozen?" He asked. "How fitting." You smiled. He brought his computer to the love seat and snuggled next to you on the couch. He opened up Netflix and you guys watched the movie. About halfway through it Matt snaked his arm around your hip and pulled you on top of him. You giggled and leaned down to kiss him. You made out for awhile until you heard a loud bang on the back door that made you both jump. "What was that?" You asked. "I don't know. Stay here." Matt commanded. You ignored him and followed closely behind him. He opened the door and you saw some of you and Matt's friends outside throwing snowballs at his house. You sighed in relief and you both put you snow clothes back on and played in the snow for the rest of the day.

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