Request 31 Nikki

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I headed over to the guys house to hang out. It's literally been forever. I skated up to their house and knocked on the door. "Hello Nikki." A high-spirited Connor smiled. "Hey Connie." I smiled back. He chuckled and pulled me into the house. "Jc your girlfriends here." Connor yelled pulling me to the living room where Ricky and Sam were. I blushed and looked away. Connor knows I like Jc but insists on teasing me about it. He claims Jc likes me to but I doubt it. We're just friends. "Nicole!" Jc yelled picking me up from behind. "EEEEEP! Put me down ya butt." I giggled. He set me down and I faced him for a proper hug. "Ok if you to are done loving on each other I'd like to finish the game." Ricky said sassily. "What game?" I asked sitting on the armrest of the couch next to Jc. "Truth or Dare." Sam winked. "Wanna play?" Jc asked. "Sure." I shrugged. "Ok Ricky truth or dare?" Connor said. "Dare." He smiled. "I dare you to let me tweet from your phone and you can't delete it." Connor smirked. Ricky handed over his phone and Connor tweeted. My phone buzzed and I read the tweet aloud: @RickyPDillon: I really love the taste of wishbones poop. I wish it was a candy flavor 😜💩🐶
I giggled and pushed my phone back in the pocket of my short black shorts. "You're a butt." Ricky told Connor. "But I'm a fabulous butt." Connor smiled. I rolled my eyes but nodded in agreement. "Ok Sam truth or dare." Ricky smiled. "Dare." Sam said. "I dare you to kiss Nicole." He smirked. What? No I don't like Sam. I mean hell yea he's sexy but I love Jc. Like. I mean I like Jc. I don't want him seeing me kiss someone else. I mentally sighed knowing if I backed down it would upset Sam. He stood up and walked to me. He pulled me up and pushed me into the wall a little forcefully. "Gotta do this right." He smirked and pressed his lips to mine. His lips were soft and his lip ring felt cold against my lip but I'd rather feel Jc's lips. After a few seconds Sam pulled away. He smiled and bit his lip. I gave him a weak smile and took my seat. I saw Jc was gone. "Where'd Jc go?" I asked. "His room?" Connor shrugged. I nodded and walked to his room. I opened it quietly and saw Jc on his bed. He let out a frustrated sigh. "Jc?" I said closing the door behind me. "Hey." He said coldly. "Why'd you leave?" I asked sitting at the foot of his bed. "I didn't want to watch you suck face with your boyfriend." He spat. "Sam is not my boyfriend and nor will he ever be." I said. "But what about that kiss?" He asked. "I don't like Sam. I just didn't want to make him upset that I wouldn't kiss him." I sighed. "Lucky prick." Jc sighed. "What?" I asked. "I said he was lucky. Lucky he got to kiss you. Nicole you are the most beautiful and amazing and sweet girl I've ever met and I wish I could call you mine." He said getting off the bed and standing to face me. I froze. He likes me to. Say something cool you idiot. "Then why don't you?" I asked. Nice. I mentally high-fived myself. Jc smiled and pulled me towards him. He turned me around and pushed me into the closet door with much more grace then Sam had. He pressed his body to mine making me weak. He moved his hands up my body until he got to my cheeks. He cupped them and held me in place as he leaned down to kiss me. The moment his lips touched mine I felt sparks. The kiss was unlike anything I've felt before. He slid his tongue across my lip before sliding his tongue between my lips. I moaned sending vibrations through our bodies. He brought his hands slowly down to the hem of my sweatshirt. He pulled at it hinting he wanted it off. I pulled away. "I'm sorry I jus-" I cut him off by tossing my sweatshirt at him. He smiled and grabbed my thighs. "Jump." He whispered. I did and he pressed me into the wall again. He kissed down my neck and sucked at my collar bone. I kicked my shoes off and wrapped my legs around his waist tighter. I felt his not so little friend press into my vagina. We both moaned and his hands roamed to my butt. He carried me to the bed before tossing me into it. He tried to climb up too but I shook my finger at him. "Shirt and pants off first." I smirked. He bit his lip and took his shirt off first throwing it behind him. Next his jeans. He unbuttoned them and slid them off before kicking them aside. I giggled at his boxers. "What?" He asked. "Clouds Jc? Really?" I giggled. "Oh don't pretend you don't love them." He smirked and got onto the bed. He reconnected our lips and our hips too. I moaned slightly as he bucked his erection into my shorts. "Take your shorts off." He mumbled through kisses. His hands worked on my breasts and I wiggled out of my shorts. I dropped them on the floor and brought my hands back to Jc's muscles. He flexed them as I ran my hand over his stomach. "Mmm so sexy." I bit my lip. He smirked and ran his hands over my panties. I gasped and involuntarily bucked my hips upwards. "Know what else is sexy?" He asked kissing down my stomach slowly. "You." I smiled. "How wet you are." He chuckled and pulled my panties down. He glanced at me making sure it was ok. I nodded and he wasted no time. He kissed my heat lightly before slipping his tongue into me. I curled my toes and clenched my body. "Calm down beautiful." He whispered. His warm breath fanned over me causing my breath to hitch. He smiled at the reaction he was getting from me and continued his pleasuring torture. He used his finger this time pushing it deep in me. "Fuck you're tight Nikki." He said. "I don't think I can even get a second finger in." I moaned watching him thrust his finger in and out of me. "J-Jc." I moaned. He curved his finger and thrusted faster. "Mmm. I'm gon-na c-cum." I moaned. He pulled his finger out just as I was ready to release. "Baby I wanna be in you first." He said and kissed my cheek. He leaned over and grabbed a silver square package from his side table. He ripped it open with his teeth but I took it from him. "I wanna do it." I smiled. He grinned and slid his boxers off. I pushed him over and straddled him. I pulled the condom from its package and tossed the the package into the garbage. I turned back to face him and slid the condom on his length. He grunted. "God your hands feel good." He moaned. I leaned down and kissed him. I sat back up and unclipped my bra. I slid it down my arms and dropped it off the bed. Jc stared wide eyes at me. "Damn." He marveled. I blushed and propped myself above him. "Ready?" I asked. He chuckled and pressed his tip against me. I moaned and threw my head back. "Jc I want you." I moaned. He thrusted up into me making me cry out. Jc hadn't given any time to adjust. I dropped my hands to his chest and scratched my nails against him. He moaned and grabbed my hips. He thrusted up sliding in and out of me with ease. Pleasure took over as Jc bucked his length into me over and over. "Fuck Jc." I moaned loudly. He covered my mouth and flipped us over. "Shhh. We don't want the boys to hear us." He whispered. "Be quiet or I'll go slower." He said slowing down. I nodded. He sped up back to his old pace making me tremble beneath him. He hit my Gspot perfectly making me moan into his hand loudly, but luckily his hand muffled it. "If you really want to we'll go slow then." He smirked and slowed down slightly. I tried to tell him to speed up but he just her the mumbled I let out into his hand. "What's that? Slower?" He smirked and went even slower. He took each of legs and put them on his shoulders one at a time. He thrusted into me as deep as he could go making me write with pleasure. I could hardly contain myself anymore as I came closer to my climax. I tried to warn him but his hand still covered my mouth. "Fuck babe." He groaned. I felt him twitch inside me a few times as he slowly pumped himself into me. He squeezed my left breast as he came into the condom. His warm stream sent me over the edge and I came to. He thrusted sloppily a few more times before pulling out and flicking the condom into the garbage. I panted and removed the hair that was sticking to my face because of the sweat. "That.....was.....amazing." Jc said between breaths. I nodded furiously, unable to speak because the climax was so amazing. We heard a loud bang on Jc's door. "Oh fuck Nicole!" We heard Kian yell. "Kian?" I asked. When'd he get home? "Fuck Jc harder!" Sam screamed. Ricky and Connor laughed and buried my head in Jc's warm chest. "They're just jealous I have someone so beautiful to call my girlfriend." He smiled. I smiled back and kissed him. Girlfriend. I like the sound of that.

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