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Mark's POV

I laid on my bed, spread out like a star and staring at the ceiling. Something felt off. I rolled on to my side and stared at my dresser, my eyes immediately drifting to the bottom drawer for the first time in a while.

I know what's in there.

Not today. Not again. You promised.


It was only Tuesday morning and I was already done with school. Go figure.

I somehow managed to be in all the right classes that I had 3 hours worth of homework by lunch.


I had told Ethan I would sit with him today.

I closed my locker and began walking towards the lunchroom to get my food when I heard someone calling me, followed by light and quick footsteps. I looked over my shoulder to see a smiling Ethan running towards me. I grinned a little and stopped walking to wait for him.

"Hey what's up?" I asked him when he caught up. "Good! A little tired, but good. How about you?" He smiled. "Not bad. Ready to be done with this bullshit week." I rolled my eyes. Ethan nodded in agreement.

"Wait where's your lunch?" He asked. "I buy it from the school." I shrugged. "It's actually not too bad." I added.

"Okay, I'll meet you outside then." With that he waved and went off.

The lunch line wasn't too long and I was out in a jiffy. Ethan was sitting under a tall oak tree chewing on a sandwich when I joined him.

"So," he began, "what's the plan for this language arts thing?" I thought for a minute. "Well since it's not due 'till the end of the month, I guess we could start by getting to know each other." Ethan nodded.

We went back and forth asking each other questions. Favorite movie, favorite color, favorite food, stuff like that.

"What's your family like?" I asked him.

"It's kind of complicated. My parents died in a car wreck when I was younger. Now I live in a home with other orphans." He explained. I thought for a moment.

"It's actually the same for me." I whispered.

"Really?" Ethan asked. "Yeah. I got adopted by a woman, Kristen, a while back, but it's only me and her. No dad." I said sadly. Ethan patted my shoulder. "At least you got adopted. I've been in the home for six years now."

"True." I whispered.


Ethan's POV

"Well Mark seems nice." Delilah smiled at me. "And it seems like you two have a lot in common." She said in a sing-song voice. I laughed.

"Not every guy I meet is my future husband, nut job." I shook my head. "Well what did you think about today's quote?" She asked. I pulled the slip of paper out of my pocket.

"Most people have a harder time letting themselves love than finding someone to love them. Bill Russell?" I looked at her, laughing. "Delilah, I don't even know who that is!" She giggled.

"When do you ever?" I rolled my eyes. "You know I'm not one for love. I don't even have any friends." I pointed out.

"Well you have me. And this Mark guy." She sang. "All I'm saying is give him a chance." I looked at her. "I've never even had a crush before." She thought for a moment. "Then how did you figure out you're gay?"

Touché, Delilah.

"Seasons change. What if I'm actually asexual like you?" I pointed out. She scoffed. "I doubt it. You should really see it."

"See what?" I asked. She hopped off my bed where she had been sitting and walked towards me.

"The way you blush whenever I suggest anything. How your eyes light up when you talk about him. The little smirk you get when you tell me about what you have in common." She paused. "Now I might be wrong, but that seems like a little more than a friendship."

I scratched the back of my head. "We've only known each other for two days."

"Then maybe something will develop over time." She smirked. The room went silent.

"Damn you are really short." I said suddenly. "I mean I've got like three inches on you, and I'm not even that tall!" I burst out laughing. She scowled at me and punched me in the shoulder.

"Shut up you fucking walnut!" She shouted, holding back laughter of her own. "Now come on, dinner's gonna be ready soon."


Mark's POV

I stared at my phone, reading and rereading the text messages.


Where were you at lunch today?

I was sitting with my friend.

Which friend? Bob and Wade were with me.

A new one. Ethan.

That emo kid that always sits alone?

He's not emo...

Sits alone everyday, dyed hair, has no friends, that's pretty emo to me.

Don't talk about him like that.

You don't know him.

Whatever. You sitting with us tomorrow like you always do?

I guess, yeah...


I looked back at the bottom drawer of my dresser for the millionth time today.

No. I can't. I won't. Stay strong.

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