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Ethan's POV

I practically jumped on Mark when I walked into his hospital room.

Delilah hadn't let me visit, or even told me he was in the hospital, until today. I was mad at first, but then she explained that he probably needed time to heal and process everything. She didn't say it, but I had a feeling she was saying that about me too.

I positioned myself to where I was sitting next to his head and began running my fingers through his hair. He smiled up at me.

"Huh. I didn't expect this to be a silent reunion." Delilah shrugged as she walked towards Mark and gave him a small hug.

"I'm glad you're okay." She said as she pulled away. "God only knows what could've happened if you weren't. She glanced at me uneasily before smiling again and pulling up a chair. I twirled Mark's hair around my fingers.

"How did your interview with the cops go?" Delilah asked. Mark started to sit up.

"How did you-" Delilah laughed, interrupting Mark's question.

"I had a hunch."

Mark was satisfied with that answer and relaxed again.

"It went well, I guess. The officers said they'd do what they can for my case." Mark explained. I noticed him start to lean into my touch and smiled.

"When do you get out of here?" I asked. Mark thought for a moment.

"My doctor said I would probably be out by Friday." I nodded.

Three days.

"I'm gonna see if I can get some water." Delilah stood up and headed towards the door. "Be right back."

The closed behind her, leaving Mark and I alone.

"I have to ask, was it you that made the call?" I looked down to see Mark staring up at me. I shook my head. Mark nodded.

"Delilah, then?" He chuckled. I shrugged.


The room went silent for a moment.

"Listen, about the other night, I meant what I said." Mark whispered. "I love you, Ethan."

I broke into a grin before leaning down and kissing Mark gently. "I love you too." I mumbled on his lips.

"Okay you two I didn't come here to watch the cheesiest rom-com of 2017." Delilah said as she walked back in the room.

I sat back up and cleared my throat, a bright blush beginning to spread across my cheeks. "Find any water?" I asked. She shook her.


Mark's POV

I sat in my hospital bed and scrolled through countless apartment ads on my laptop, looking for the perfect one. Ethan and Delilah had left a few hours ago, leaving me to search in peace.

"I'll probably need three bedrooms, and two bathrooms if the three of us are gonna share..." I thought aloud.

I also searched for a job so that, you know, I could actually afford an apartment. I found one at a local filmmaking studio; all I had to do was make sure the equipment was clean and working properly. Seemed easy enough, so I applied.

The doctor walked in. "Well, like I suspected you'll be released tomorrow. Just make sure not to exert yourself too hard."

I nodded, my eyes still glued on my screen.

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