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Mark's POV


If I had to sum up Friday in five words, it would be "then everything went to shit."

First off, I bombed my math test. It brought my grade from a high B to a D.

Then, I find Tyler fell down the stairs at his house and broke his leg.

And finally, I saw Ethan flirting with some random girl from my science class.


I was already upset about my grade, I was worried about Tyler, but seeing Ethan with that girl broke me.

I told you. He doesn't love you, not like you love him.

Dark was winning.

Ethan didn't sit with us at lunch, meaning I couldn't hold his hand, meaning Dark was in a frenzy. By the time I got home, I had to down another bottle of that awful, brown shit just to get him to quiet down a little.

But only a little.

I drank until he shut up, which took about four bottles.

You need to stop.

We can't end up like Kristen.

Fuck my life.

Ethan's POV

"Delilah how do I tell girls that I'm gay and uninterested?" Delilah laughed.

"Just say, 'I'm gay and uninterested.'"

Today was a wreck.

First, Mark seemed really upset about his math grade, then we found out that Tyler broke his leg. I couldn't even sit with them at lunch because Terry can not take a hint. She begged me to sit with her and her friends at lunch and now Mark probably hates me for abandoning him today.

After I ranted to Delilah about this, she suggested I just call him.


"Hey Mark, sorry for not sitting with you at lunch today. Another friend asked me to sit with them."

"It's fine, no big deal."  I had Mark on speakerphone, and when Delilah heard him say that she made a weird face.

"So hey, Delilah and I were thinking about maybe seeing a movie Sunday, you wanna come?"

"What movie?"

"Spider-Man Homecoming."

"Fuck yeah!"  I smiled.

"Awesome! We'll save you a seat!"

"See you there!" With that, Mark hung up.

"He's not okay." Delilah stared at the blankets on my bed absently.

"What do you mean?" I angled my head so I could see her face better. She looked up.

"There's this sound in his voice, I can't explain it but I know it all too well. He's not okay." Her eyes said it all. She heard her own voice after she was separated from her sister in his. I nodded.

"What should I do?" I asked quietly.

"Go to him."


Mark's POV

I opened my eyes when I heard a knock on the door.

Ethan's just been using you for attention.

Fucking Dark.

Once I got downstairs I went straight to the fridge and grabbed another beer bottle to make him be quieter. I gulped it down quickly and went to answer the door.

I never would've expected Ethan to be standing there.

"Hey Mark." He said shyly while keeping his eyes glued to the ground.

"Hey Ethan. What, um, what are you doing here?" I asked awkwardly, scratching the back of my neck.

"I'm not gonna lie," he said after a moment, "you've been sad lately and I can see it. It's...worrying me." He looked up and met my eye.

I watched his face twist in confusion as he studied me.

"Mark, have-have you been drinking?"


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