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Ethan's POV

I stole glances at Mark as we walked to language arts. Something was wrong. I don't know him well, but this is definitely not like him.

His usually gorgeous brown eyes seemed dull and lifeless. He wasn't as animate. The warm, comfortable feeling I usually got around him was missing.

Should I ask him again if he's alright?

He already said he's fine, and I don't want to be annoying about it.

He could've been lying.

Delilah lied.

You can't just assume he's fine because he told you so.

I stared at the ground as we walked. What should I do?

"Hey, do you want to sit with Tyler and the other guys today?" Mark asked quietly. I looked up at him.

No. I didn't want to. I'm not fond of  people. They're loud and rowdy and make me feel uncomfortable.

But Mark was obviously not okay, wether this was a one time thing or not, and I wanted to make sure he wasn't in deep shit.

I smiled gently. "Sure."


When the bell finally rang I was starving.

Mark waited for me by the door and walked with me as I grabbed my lunch from my locker. He told me that his friend Wade usually brought his lunch and would already be at the table.

I found Wade and walked over. "Um, hi. I'm Ethan, a friend of Mark's." I said as calmly as I could. He smiled at me.

"I'm Wade. Have a seat." He gestured to an empty spot across from him. I sat down and opened my lunch, hoping Mark would be out quickly.

I saw the slip of paper in my lunch and opened it, recalling what I had told Delilah last night.

"Can tomorrow's quote be something empowering?"

"Be the woman you needed as a girl. Unknown"

I immediately burst out laughing, earning a strange look from Wade.

"What's so funny?" I heard Mark ask from behind me. Mark sat down next to me.

"My friend that packs my lunch, always puts a quote in for me to read, a-and I asked for an empowering one, and this is what she sent me." I gasped between laughing. I handed the slip to Mark and his eyes lit up, a deep laugh escaping his lips.

You made him laugh. Good job, me.

Mark handed the quote to Wade and he began laughing too.

"What are you guys laughing at?" I hear someone ask. I turn around, still smiling, to see a tall man standing over us. He had a scowl set on his face, either confused or angry.

I hoped it was confused.

Mark's POV

"Hey, Tyler. This is Ethan." I say as Tyler sits down next to Wade. Tyler looks at Ethan, not saying anything, before beginning to eat.

"So what was so funny?" He asked nonchalantly. Wade handed him the quote. "Ethan's friend puts quotes in his lunch, and he asked for an empowering one." I explained, glancing over at Ethan. He stared at Tyler, nodding. "It's kind of her thing." He added. Tyler looked up at him.

"Her?" Tyler glanced at me before changing the subject. "Anyway, where's Bob?"

"He wasn't feeling well so he went home early." Wade stated. "I think it was a bad headache." I nodded.

Wish I could go home...


I paced my room, not wanting to lay down on my bed knowing where my eyes would go.

Out of sight, out of mind.

Don't think about it.

You don't need it.

The dark parts of my mind started to speak up, murmuring troubled thoughts in my ear.

"Fuck off." I whispered harshly. I needed a distraction. I had already finished my homework, so I couldn't do that. I didn't want to play any of my games. I didn't want to watch tv.

I started to remember how Sean and I used to watch anime late at night when no one else was around. I never really cared for it, but he loved it. He would always cuddle into me, laying his head on my shoulder and wrapping his arms around me.

But those nights are over now. He dumped you, remember?

I sat down on the edge of my bed, closing my eyes in pain.

You need to move on.

I know, I know. I need to move on. I know. I need to move on. I need. To. Move. On.

No matter how many times I said it to myself, it never registered.

You have to move on.

The bottom drawer will only look more inviting if you don't.

You can't go there.

Not again.

I need a distraction. I grabbed my phone and scrolled through my contacts. Tyler. Yeah, I'll text Tyler.

But something stopped me. I bit my lip, Ethan's name standing out suddenly. I stared at the screen before beginning to type.



Hey Mark

What's up?

Nothing much, just bored

Me too

Btw, is it just me or is Tyler kind of...mean

I don't mean to be judgmental, maybe it was just cause I'm a stranger to him

Tyler's always been like that.

Don't worry about it.


Still want to sit under the tree tomorrow?

Well yeah :3

You sure?

I mean, I understand if you'd rather sit by yourself

Lunch today was...less than successful

It was a little awkward...

But of course I still want you to sit with me

Yay :D

I smiled down at my phone.

Maybe a new friend is just the distraction you need.

"Yeah." I sighed.


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