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*Imagined the pic in the media is Nana's hair.*


I slammed the front door and stomped my feet to my room. I threw my bag on the floor and lay my whole body over the bed. I covered my face with the pillow and screamed out loud in frustration.

" That boy really want me to punch his face. Aishh! "

I punched the pillow with anger.

" Honey, dinner's ready. "

Mom yelled from the kitchen.

"Huh? Yea mom. Give me 5 mins."

I replied.

Okay Nana. Just forget bout that freak for now. Yes!

I took a shower and put on my night clothes. I walked downstairs to the dining table and take a sit opposite of my mom.

" So honey, how ur first day? "

Mom asked me.

" It's great. They all treat me well. "

There's no way I will tell her bout the detention and that freak ass. Never.

" Good to hear that. Make a great grade and be good to others okay. "

Mom said as she ate her food.

I nodded and stuff the food inside my mouth silently.

After done eating, I washed the dishes and get into my room. I look at the time; 10:30. Well, it's still early.

I took the bag to the bed, opened it and searched the book that I've brought to the school this morning but it's not there.

I thought for a second and then hitted my forehead lightly. The book is with that boy.

" Why I don't take it along with me back then? Argh stupid! "

I decided to just lay on my bed and pulled the blanket up to my chest and go to sleep.



I'm at the basketball court with my another 6 members playing basketball but I can't focused on the game bcs my mind kept thinking bout Nana.

Her hair that moved beautifully when she walked, her round hazel eyes, her small plump lips with that small body.

While I lost in my thought, the ball flew in the air and hit my head hard. I groaned in pain while rubbing my head.

" Yah Jungkook-ah. You okay? What's wrong with you? "

Jimin hyung ran towards me with a worried face. The others followed him after.

" Yeah. What were you thinking about? "

Taehyung added.

" Ahh hyung. There's a new student transfered to our school today and she is my classmate. "

I talked in excitement.

" Oookay. Then? " J-hope asked then.

" I...I already fall for her, hyung. "

I replied stuttered and grinned to them while rubbing the back of my neck.

" YOU WHAT?! " The others asked in unison.


Hey I've updated another chapter here. Enjoy reading guys ~

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