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+next morning+


" Give me time.. I still working on it.. "

Last night I heard Nana was talking with someone on the phone and it bothered me a lot. Who was it? I really wanted to know. I took a look at her in front of me. Her face looked tense. What did she had in her mind?

" babe, you're okay? " I asked her.

She glance at me, nodded her head and focused back at the food. I wanted to ask her about last night but seeing her not in a good mood, I decided to shut my mouth. After finished eating, we both silently clean the dishes and she head to her room.

I decided to not bothered her for now. I sat on the couch and watch movie in the living room but then, my mom came from nowhere sat beside me. She cleared her throat like wanted to say something.

" why omma? " I asked while my eyes still glued at the screen.

" oh nothing.. I'm just curious.. Is this the same girl you show me back then? "

" did I? When? " I asked her again.

" her picture still hanging on the wall in your room, my son.. the same girl right? "

After my mom finished her words, I turned to her feeling shocked. Damn! I totally forgot about that.

I grabbed both of her hands and gave a face full of hope. " omma, please don't mention anything about it in front of her, okay? "

She looked so confused. " but why? I'm so happy finally I can meet my daughter-in-law. Are you hiding something from your mom, Jeon Jungkook? "

" n-no.. It just that I've something to settle first.. For now, don't mention it.. Promise me, omma? " I looked at her with puppy eyes.

" alright I- "

" mention what? "

Nana asked as she walked down the staircase came towards us. We both panicked and I lost words to say right now. I tried to find an excuse but my mind was completely blank.

" ohh sweetheart.. Jungkook plan to bring you to some fun places. Right son? " My mom smiled at me and I knew it's a cue for me to play along with her idea.

" a-ahh yeahh... And we should go now or we'll be late.. " I stood beside Nana and grabbed her right hand with an awkward smile.

" ohh? Let me take my purse and phone upstairs first. " she turned back but I stopped her immediately. She tilled her head to the side in confusion.

" you don't need them anyway.. Let's go! " I put my arms over her shoulder and dragged her small body to follow me. I looked over my shoulder and there's my mom mouthing fighting! And I gave her a flying kiss as return.


" why you bring me here? " Nana asked as she playing the sand with her toes.

" when I'm not in a good mood, I always come here to clear my mind and... I wanna show you my favorite place.. "

I pulled her hand and brought her to a big rock. We both climbed up and sat on the top of it. The view was spectacular. The breeze that was so calming. You can see the wide blue sea from up here.

" wow... this is so beautiful.. " she looked amazed.

I pulled her into a hug and she rest her head on my chest. I planted a long kiss on top of her head. All I asked for now was to stay with her forever. No matter what happened, I will make her mine. Only mine.

We both sat there silently and admired the beautiful view in front of us while she still snuggled in my arms. Her scent really comfort me.

" I don't remember when was the last time people poured me with so much love. It feels like my mom is still here and all my darkness gone after your mom hug me yesterday. I feel so warm inside out. "

" you're okay now babe? " I asked her and she nodded with a wide smile. I felt so relieved that my plan was working.

" but... I'm afraid that I will lose you... "

I lifted her chin and looked deeply into her eyes.

" hey... I won't going anywhere. I will stay with you. Forever... "

I slowly leaned towards her and kissed her lips. To be honest, I'm afraid too but I will make sure that it won't happened to us.


" the number you have called is not in service. Please lea- "

He took a look at the phone screen, frustrated and worried at the same time. Where did she go? I knocked on the door but there's no answer. His left hand was holding a beautiful box while the other hand busy dialling the same number.

Maybe I should tried called her tonight? He asked himself. He heave a sighed and walked to his car. When he lifted his head, he shocked seeing a familiar figure leaning on his car. He quickly hide the present behind his back. The person just stared at him while crossing arms across his chest.

" what are you doing here? " the person asked with a serious tone.

" err.. just stopping by.. hehe " he sounds nervous and scratched the side of his head.

I'm dead. He said in his mind.

His friend brushed his hair and sighed.

" Taetae... " he tiltled his head to the side and looked at Taehyung felt so dissappointed.

Taehyung walked towards Jimin with heavy steps. He rest his head on his soulmate shoulder, feeling guilty.

" I know... I'm sorry... "

Jimin concerned about him and decided not to make things more complicated. He softly rubbed his hair and patted his back. (vmin shippers where you at💜)

" let's go home. we will talk about this later. "



So, enjoy. Stay healthy everyone. 🐱🐯

Quick question; futher study or get a job?

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