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*ding dong*

I rushed to the front door and opened it. There's Jimin standing with his annoyed face.

" Ya! Can't you just wait till tomorrow? It past midnight already. "

I dragged him into my house and locked the door. " Sorry hyung but I really needed your help right now. " I said with a serious tone.

" Chill. What was it this time? " He sat on the couch while yawning.

" I have a feeling that Reen and Nana related to each other or maybe.... " I stopped and stared at Jimin.

" Kook-ah, Reen dead almost 8 years ago and she was dying in front of you. You witness everything that night. Stop being silly. " Jimin trying to make everything clear.

" I know but...hyung, I have this feeling since the first day she transfer into our school. I've always mistaken her as Reen. You knew how suffered I am when she left me the past years and when she came back, did you think that I will let her did the same thing again? No, I won't let that happened. " Tears started forming in my eyes.

Jimin sighed. " Okay listen. You really need to stop this nonsense. We can't- " I cut him.

" NO HYUNG! WE HAVE TO DO THIS! PLEASE helped m-me " I shouted at him at first but then it slowly became a whisper when the tears started flowing down both of my cheeks.

" I-i don't want to lose her like when Reen left me. I-it just hurt me so bad. I'm begging you. Please hyung please. " I grasp my knees trying to stop this tears but it didnt work. It just keep flowing.


Jimin stare at Jungkook feeling pity towards him. Jimin knew that Jungkook was hurting but he didn't know how to solve all this mystery. He didn't want to risk anyone. He also knew how evil Jenny can be and both of them will obviously being in danger especially Jungkook. He get up and sat beside Jungkook.

" Hey, stop crying. We will find the way to make Nana back to you again okay. " Jimin tapped Jungkook's back trying to comfort him.

" You w-will? " Jungkook looked at Jimin's eyes full of hopes.

" Yea but...we're not gonna work just the two of us...we need Bangtan. " He gave him an angelic smile and Jungkook just nodded.

*next morning*


I just done shower and picking my clothes to go to work. While I'm searching for a blouse, I saw a box inside my closet.

Since when this box being there?

I take it out and placed it on the bed. I checked outside of the box if there's someone's name or something. Just in case that I might opened someone else belongings or what but none. It just a box. Yea you got me right?

I opened it and saw a few things in it liked a doll with a pony hair, a lock diary and a small box that catch my eyes instantly. I took it out of the box and opened it and....guess what I found?

A necklace with a diamond as the locket.

Wow, it was so pretty, I'm not gonna lie. I didnt really remember that i've this kind of thing in my collection but it will be that it used to be mine because who else lives in this house except me and mom right? So I just decided to wear it and match with my white blouse and a black floral skirt. After done preparing myself to work, I walked downstairs and saw my mom preparing the table for breakfast.

" Morning mom " I greeted my mom with a happy tone.

" Morning ho-- " she didnt finish her words but stared at me instead.

" Mom...are you okay? " I asked her.

At first she blank out but after I tapped her shoulder, she seem shocked like she was thinking about something. She look at me faking a smile. I knew it.

" Honey, can I asked where did you get those necklace? " She pointed at the necklace around my neck.

" Ohh I found it somewhere in my room. Why did you asking? " I frowned feeling anxiety.

" A-ahh it's pretty. S-sit down and eat your breakfast. You will late to work. " She avoid her eyes from meeting mine.

I ate my breakfast silently and after finished it, I gave a peck at mom's cheek and get into my car, drove it to the office.

It's not that I didnt noticed anything changed around me right now and it's becoming weirder day by day. Mom didnt talk much like usual after I told her about the dream that day and Jungkook...he's acting weird whenever he's around me and he was like want to keep a distance from me. Again. Why I'm feeling that everyone was avoiding me right now? My head hurt from thinking all of this.

A few mins later, I've arrived at the company and parked my car at the parking lot. I took a deep breath and cleared my mind. I took the suitcase with me and get out from the car, walked to my office or should I call 'our' office.

I'm too busy fixing the blouse button until accidently bump onto someone. We both whine in pain and apologize to each other.

" I'm really sorry... " We said in unison.

Hey, I knew this voice. I lifted my head and saw the same guy that I bumped during high school. I sighed. Why always him???? I cursed in my head.

" We always bumped into each other. Don't you think that we were meant to be together? " He gave me a sweet smile that successfully make my heart races everytime.

I'm avoiding his question and about to get into the office but then, he grabbed my arms turned me to face him again. He looked shocked. What now?!!!!

" H-hey th-that necklace. Where d-did you g-get it?? " He stuttered.

" Home of course. Where else? " I answered sarcastically.

Then he just left me there dumbfounded. What?! What's wrong with that jerk actually? This morning mom ask me about this and now him? They both acting weird.


Hey guys. Sorry for updating this late.

And sorry for grammar mistake too.

I loved reading your comments.

To those who still supporting this story, I really appreciate that eventhough it's kinda boring.

Hope you guys enjoy.


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