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Few weeks past, Nana and Jungkook relationship started to get better from time to time. The feelings growing bigger towards each other and Nana didn't denied that she wanted to live with Jungkook.

For the rest of her life, with the man that completely own her heart now. Since they went back to Seoul from Busan, Jungkook barely spend time with Nana and she understood that, of course, Jungkook didn't knew about her life at America. She's busy preparing dinner for them because Jungkook promised to had dinner at her place tonight. Just then, her phone ringing and she jogged to get it, answered it without checking the caller ID, brought a frown on her face.

" Hello sweetheart, you got it already? "

" Why don't we just...let him having it this time, granpa. "

" What are you talking about? You know how long we wait for this to happen. "

" I-i know but... I don't want to do this. We can ruin others company but not Jeon's. "

" Kim Nana. You promised me. You're the one who eager to do this. For our company. For your future. Revenge. Don't ruin it this time. "

" B-but- "

" No! I said, DO IT. "

She cut the line and placed her phone on the counter, released a heavy sighed. She totally forgot about that and didn't cared to continue it anyway. She was so confused right now. Jungkook or her granpa- their company future to be exact. Her body frozed when a paired of strong arms snaked on his small waist, resting chin on her shoulder. The familiar scent brushed her nose and her body started to relaxed again. Nana turned around, face to face with Jungkook that flashed bunny smile to her.

" Hey. "

" Hi. How did you get in?"

" I have the spare key. Remember? "

Oh. Nana didn't really pay attention to Jungkook and spacing out. Jungkook furrowed his brows and looked deeply at his lover's eyes. He snapped his finger in front of her face make her came back to reality.

" Y-yeah? "

" You did it again. "

" Emm, what? "

" You're spacing out. What's on your mind baby? "

" Oh. It's nothing. "

Before Jungkook could asked another question, Nana hugged him tighly. He slowly stroke her back with cared and kissed on top of her head. She rub her cheek on his chest, heard heartbeat of his heart. Tears started forming in her eyes, realise that she will left Jungkook anytime soon.

She hated it.

She wanted to scream her heart out.

She jerked her head up looking at Jungkook. He eyed her face with frowned. There's something not right. He cupped both her cheeks and pulled her close. He noticed it. She about to burst into tears when Jungkook slam his lips into hers.

"Baby?" Her eyes started to tearing up as se looks at Jungkook and the guy started to panic. "Hey hey, why are you crying? Talk to me."

Nana shooked her head, put her arms around Jungkook's neck make him leans forward a little.

"I miss you." She sniffed and gave a plain smile make Jungkook chuckled. He tucked Nana's strand of hair behind her ear and pulled her into a warm hug.

" I miss you too baby.. " Jungkook planted kisses on each part of her face, then attacked her neck. He pulled her closer to his body.

Nana giggled. " S-stop. Not there- it's ticklish! " Nana playfully punched Jungkook's stomach make him laughed but his lips didn't left her skin.

" I'm hungry.. " she pouted, her fingers playing with Jungkook's collar.

" I'm enjoying my meal now.. Don't you see? " Jungkook said and continued kiss her collarbone.

" I'm talking about real meal. Not this one. " Nana playfully scolded him and Jungkook gave her a sweet smile showing his bunny teeth.

" Alright, alright. Let's eat. " He pulled her hand to the dining table and sat facing each other. Jungkook eyes lit up when he saw his favourite food on the table. He eyed the latter in front of him, smiling shyly towards him and ate the meal.



My deep sleep being interrupted by someone shuffling next to me and before I could fully opened my eyes, Nana already pulled my arm to follow her. I stopped her and she turned around, fear alone all over her face.

"Baby, where are you going? Let's sleep. It still early."

"N-no. Jungkook, we have to help her."


"The girl.. S-she's dying. "


Jungkook tilted his head completely can't read the situation. Was she dreaming or something? He looked around to make sure that it was real and yes. They really standing in Nana's bedroom, same like last night.

"Babe, no one is dying here."

"She is! Jungkook please, we need to save her. Now!"


"I'm not lying! If you don't want to help, I'll go there alone." She yelled at me as she crying with all her heart.

She rush towards the front door and I quickly put on my t-shirt, ran after her and stop her from entering the driver seat.

" I'll drive us there okay.. Just tell me the direction. I can't let you drive in this state... " I took the car key and Nana just followed without any words.

Our ride only filled with Nana pointing the direction until she ask me to stop at a dark empty road. Nana open the car door and ran outside searching for that "girl".

" Babe, there no one here. Let's go home. " I said while following her around.

" No Jungkook. You don't understand. I saw her HERE! Full of blood. " Nana's voice cracked from crying.

" You're dreaming. Look, this road is empty. No blood, no dead body, no- "

My body froze and suddenly I felt numb. I...


This road...is familiar. Yes! The incident night. No way...

I came back to earth after I heard Nana flop on her knees scream her lung out said that she didn't make it on time to save that girl.

I quickly get down same eye level with her and hug her tightly, comforting her to stop her from crying.

" Shhh stop crying. It is not your fault. Maybe someone else already help her. Don't worry okay baby. Everything is fine. "

I kissed her head softly here and there to make her felt better. The loud sobbing turned to a small whimper and she felt asleep in my embrace. I slowly pick her up in bridal style and drove ourself home.

I set her on the bed, cover her small with blanket and gave a long kiss on her forehead. I still shocked from what had happened just now. It just too much to take. I stare at her puffy face from crying too much and carress her right cheeks with my thumb softly.

Of course I noticed that she always daydreaming lately. I'm not that dumb not to notice that she slowly changed from a happy go lucky to a quiet person and after this night incident, my curiousity was growing even more.

I lay beside her and spoon her, keeping her close. My heart hurt seeing her like this. This shit need to stop. I need to figure things out as soon as possible.

What else are you hiding from me?

Why is thing like this always happen to me?

To us?


I'm back. Glad I can update this book again. For those who still read & support this book, thank you so much. I love you guys.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2018 ⏰

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