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I still at the office finishing some paper works for tomorrow's meeting and of course, I can't stop thinking bout Jungkook yet.

Talking about Jungkook....I wonder where had he been all day. He was nowhere to be found. Sigh.

I look at the clock and it's already past 7pm. I took my phone to call my mom then I realized that my phone was out of battery. Damn! I forgot to charge it since last night. No wonder I got no calls or texts today.

So, I packed my things and walked to the elevator. While waiting for the elevator to reach at this level, I saw someone's shadow not far from where I'm standing right now.

I thought it just my imagination because I don't get enough sleep lately. Then, I heard footsteps coming towards me.

Shit! This stupid elevator!

I decided to use the stairs cause I'm scared to death right now. Someone was following me. I fasten my steps and when I'm about to walked down the stairs, the person grabs my arm and shut my mouth tightly.

" Sshhh don't afraid. It just me.... " his deep voice make me trembling. I just nodded my head and slowly, he removed his hand from mine.

" V-vince ssi, what w-were you d-doing here? " My voice was shaking and I moved a bit further from him. He was my officemate. Since I started working here, he always trying to get near me and it makes me uncomfortable.

" Waiting for you... " he said calmly.

" B-but I didn't- " he cut me.

" I've waited for so long...I gave you roses and cards full of loves everyday...I liked you but... He paused. " YOU IGNORED ME! YOU CHOOSE JUNGKOOK OVER ME! WHY?! " He suddenly became furious.

" What? He just- " he cut me again.

" Why? Is it because Jungkook have everything while I don't? I can gave you love, I can do anything just to make you happy. Leave him. Come to me. Okay babe? " He looked at me full of hope.

" I'm sorry. You just an officemate to me. Not more than that. " I felt guilty towards him but this is the best I could do.

Again, he grabbed my hand tightly. He looked so mad. My wrist hurted a lot.

" Let me go, you psycho! " I tried to pull my hand away. Too sad, he's too tough.

" SAY THAT YOU WANT ME! SAY IT! " He shouted at me.

I'm trembling...Tears rolling down my cheeks...I wish someone was here to help me...

While I'm struggling to release my hand from his grip, I accidently step on one of the stairs. I can't balanced myself and after that I knew I already lying on the floor. Vince didn't expect this to happen. He frightened and ran away, leave me here alone.

My head hurts a lot. I feel dizzy. I only saw bloods everywhere. I'm whimpering in pain.



Then the world became dark...

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