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On their way to Busan, Nana can't stay still at her place. Her palm were shaking and sweating. She also checked her appearance from time to time. Jungkook took a short glance at her and back focused on driving.

" are you okay? " Jungkook asked.

" emm..can you stop the car, please? "

Her voice was shaking till Jungkook stopped the car at the roadside immediately.

" babe, what's wrong? why your body shivering like this? are you hurt somewhere? tell me.. "

Jungkook checked on her with concern shown on his face. Nana shook her head make him furrowed his brows.

" I'm okay.. it just that.. I'm n-nervous... Do you think they will like me? "

Jungkook chuckled and cup her both cheeks with his hands. Their eyes met with each other and he gave a sweet smile to Nana.

" they will... trust me... and you have me here by your side.. you don't have to worry about that.. "

Jungkook tried his best to comfort the love of his life. Nana tried to smile and gave a little nodded. After make sure Nana was totally fine, he started the engine and continue their journey.

Two hours later, they arrived at the destination. Jungkook pulled the hand break and turned off the engine. He opened the door car and step out, followed with Nana behind him.

Jungkook opened the front gate and saw a woman was taking care of the flowers at the garden. He turned towards Nana as his hand placed on his lips as a signed to keep quiet. Nana joint her two nail make an "okay" signal.

He approaced the woman while tip-toieng didn't want to make any sound. Jungkook stood behind her and gave the woman a sudden backhugged make her jolted in suprise.

" omma~ I miss you... "

He talked in a cute voice and plant a kiss on her right cheek. His mom turned to face him and smacked his shoulder lightly. Jungkook hold his shoulder like he was in a major pain and whining like a baby. His mom laughed at his childish behavior.

Just then, his mom noticed Nana was standing near the gate. She looked at her with a smile on her face.

" sweety, come in.. don't be shy... "

Jungkook quickly took Nana's hand and bring her to meet his mom. He patted her shoulder to calm her down.

" omma, meet my girlfriend, Nana.. "

" H-hi Mrs. Jeon. Nice to meet you.. "

Nana bowed and Mrs. Jeon pulled her into a hug all of sudden. Nana's eyes wandering around not knowing what to do. She just stood there like a statue.

" I heard from Jungkook that you're live alone now. I'm sorry for your lose.. "

" a-ah.. it's okay Mrs. Jeon.. I can endure it now.. "

" call me omma. Now, you're part of this family. You can come here anytime you want. "

She said with a happy tone. Nana looked at Jungkook, suprised. He nodded and scratched the side of his head. Nana thanked both of them and they get into the house, prepare for dinner.

They talked about many things and the house filled with laugher that Nana didn't felt for a long time. Nana thought that Jungkook's mom was scary like cinderella's step-mother but her imagination was completely wrong. She was a nice and kind woman.

After they finished cleaning the table and washed the dishes, Mrs. Jeon asked Jungkook to show Nana her room. They both walked upstairs with their suitcase heading to the room at the end of the hallway. Nana took the guest room while Jungkook got into his old room next to her.



I jumped on the bed spread my both arms and legs like a starfish after finished unpacked my clothes. I looked at the clock on the wall; 9.45pm. It still early and I decided to wash up first.

I walked out from the bathroom and put on my pajamas. While I'm busy drying my hair, I heard someone was knocking the door. I opened the door and there was Jungkook standing wearing a white tee and a short.

Before I could asked him anything, he burst into my room and hugged me so tightly. I'm struggling to release myself from him.

" yah! are you crazy?! omma will see us.. "

I said to him half shouting but he still didn't let me go.

" I miss you... "

He whine.

" seriously Jungkook? we only apart for half an hour.. "

I rolled my eyes.

" I know... but I still miss you... I can't help myself... "

Jungkook said softly to my ear make my heart beating so fast.

" alright, alright I get it. now let me go. I'm not done doing my hair yet.. "

He untighten the hug and make me sat on the bed. He silently took the towel from my hand and climbed up on the bed, took a place behind me. Jungkook wipe my wet hair gently not wanting to hurt my head.

After he satisfied with his work, he hang the towel in the closet and took a place next to me on the bed.

" why you still here? "

I asked.

" sleep here of course. what else? "

" excuse me sir. your room is next door. go! "
I crossed arms over my chest chasing him away.

" don't want. "

" go. now! "

" I want to sleep here. "

" no "

" yes "

" no "

" yes "

" urgh fine! "

I pulled the blanket feeling annoyed and cover my whole body without facing his face. Two strong arms suddenly wrapped my waist and pulled me into a hug.

" I love you... "

Jungkook said and kissed the back of my neck. Honestly, I loved when he treat me like this but there's a little feeling inside my heart told me that this is not right. Why?


Still remember me?

Sorry for this late update.

I'm such a bad author 😢


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