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Jungkook was placing a vase full of red roses beside the bed. Two weeks past yet Nana still not aware. Jungkook sat on the chair, admire her beautiful face even her head clad with bandage.

He gave a long kiss at the back of her hand. He really missed having her around. Mostly when Nana sulking with him. He enjoyed that time so much.

" I pray to God everyday...that you will opened your eyes, smiled at me and talked to me like before. I miss hearing your voice, pretty. Wake up soon. " He said it softly.

He slowly rest his head on Nana's shoulder and started to cry. He felt so guilty towards her. He knew he was being selfish all this time. Jungkook admit that he still can't forgot about Reen and at the same time, he didn't want to lose Nana too. He was in dilemma.

" There's must be a reason why we meet...right? It's all my fault. I'm sorry... I'm so sorry.... " He repeated the same words again and again.

Someone came and patted his back. " Jungkook ah, stop blaming yourself for all this. It happen for a reason. You already know that. "

" If I don't leave her alone there, this thing won't happen. I feel bad, hyung. " Jungkook stood up, facing Taehyung and Jimin that standing in front of him. He cried again.

" And you think she will wake up if you act like this?! Crying all night, punish yourself for something you don't do. Tell me Jungkook. Tell me! " Taehyung had lost his temper. He grabbed Jungkook's collar shirt and his hand turned into fist ready to punch Jungkook's face.

" What? You want to punch me? Why don't you kill me instead? " Jungkook smirked. His eyes looked red from crying.

" You really .... "

" Enough both of you! Taehyung please, don't make fuss here. You guys really getting on my nerve! " Jimin quickly stopped them from starting a serious fight.

Jungkook pushed away Taehyung's hand and sat on the chair looked pissed. He heave a deep sighed and messed his hair in frustration.

Jimin can feel the tense between them and decided to take Taehyung with him. " Tae, I think we should go now. I don't want to see anyone bleeding like you are fighting in the world war. "

Taehyung glared at Jungkook for a second and left Jimin with Jungkook there. Jimin followed him and before he walked out from the door, he turned his head towards Jungkook.

" And you, Jeon Jungkook. Please don't do something stupid and stop make us worry. We loves you and we always want the best for you. Tae really care about you and for the first time he looks this fierce. You should feel sorry. Think wisely. Okay? "

Jimin left Jungkook there dumbfounded. His words really hit Jungkook so hard. He's being so emotional and almost started the fight. Jimin was right. Taehyung never been that mad towards anyone.

Now he felt bad towards his hyungs for his rudeness. Bad things kept happened make his life so miserable right now. He grabbed Nana's tiny hand and hold it tight until he fall asleep.


Hello guys 👋

Finally, I updated this story. Yeay! 🎉

Sorry for being not active lately. I've tried my best to finish this chapter and thank you guys for still supporting this story even I don't updated it for months. I read all your messages and comments and that's why I push myself to finish it asap.

Enjoys reading. Lots of love 🌸

Oh, I just saw at twitter that BTS gonna perform at AMA's. I'm so proud of my boys 💖 They deserves it.

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