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The five guys patiently wait for Taehyung in the living room. Namjoon was busy figure ways to convince his dongsaeng. They knew this was not the first time he being like this and the most thing that they afraid finally happened again. Thanks God they were fully prepared this time. With the hyungs here, Jimin sure that Taehyung will listen to them.

The door open and there's Taehyung ready with his suitcase and his favorite jacket, that Nana gave him as his birthday present. Jimin can tell where did he wanted to go. Before Taehyung could walked out the house, Hoseok and Seokjin sprint to the front door and blocked it with all their might. Not this time. Taehyung stared at both of them. Sighed.

" Y-ya... Where you going? " Jimin stuttered.

" Busan. " Taehyung replied flatly.

" Taehyung sit here.. We need to talk. " Namjoon demanded and Taehyung obey. He turned his body and walked while hang his head low and sat on the single couch, away from Jimin of course.

" Look.. Huh.. Jimin told us everything.. I know this is hard to you, but I need you to stop. WE need you to stop.. Tae, this is ridiculous. " Namjoon calmly spoke to him.

" Why you guys treat me like this? I just want to meet her. Is it wrong? " He offend.

" No it's not. The wrong part is you stalking her and following her around and it's not okay. " Hoseok said agreed with Namjoon.

" You brat, listen to Namjoon.. Just stop. " Seokjin added.

Taehyung rolled his eyes and get up from his seat. " Done? I'm going now. "

Yoongi that was sitting across Jimin noticed that the small guy's face started to turn red and he clenched both his hands turned into fist whilst staring at Taehyung's back. When Jimin get up too, Yoongi knew something not good will definitely happened. He can feel it.

" Shit! " He quickly hugged Jimin to stop him from attacking Taehyung. " Jimin stop. Oh God.. "

" KIM TAEHYUNG, you better stop right there! I'm so done with all your bullshit. Back then, you fucking fly to America for her the same time as Jungkook go there to find Nana too. You know how hard to cover you up from him?! We abandon our work here, just to keep you safe there. Now what? You're going to Busan? Are you fucking kidding right now?! "

Jimin roared and struggle to release himself from Yoongi's. Taehyung looked over his shoulder towards Jimin with an expressionless face and it makes Jimin more angry.

" I never ask for it.. I can take care of it myself. " Again. He replied coldly and picked up his jacket.

" Oh yeah? So you want to go there and confess to her? Again? She's fucking reject you twice, Taehyung-ah. TWICE!! Accept that she won't be yours. Forever. "

The rest stood there silently and didn't dared to interrupt or do anything. The situation became more tense than the first time Taehyung did stupid thing like this. They knew how much Jimin loved Taehyung and their friendship changed after that unexpected incident. That's why they here, to help both of them fix it. Together.

" Or... You want Jungkook know that you have feeling to Nana and how she end up being in hospital for month? That you intention right? I wonder how he will react to this.. Don't you agree? " He said with a smirked plastered on his face.

And he success in making Taehyung stopped from what he was doing right now. His eyes turned big, shaking from his bestfriend words. It really hit him hard. He wanted to say something but it seems stucked in his throat. He suddenly sweating and his face turned pale immediately.

But Jimin didn't stopped there. If this is the only way to settle everything before it getting worse, he will do it. Well, they got no other choice anyway. Taehyung flopped on the floor, covering both of his ears, frightening. Hoseok and Jin ran immediately towards him to calm him down. They feel bad for him but they can't say no neither. There must be a reason why Jimin did this in the first place.

" One more thing... Maybe we can also include about that guy you paid. You still remember him right? What was his name again... Vince? Yea yea that is it. And I bet you know what happen to him after that- "

" S-stop it.. " Taehyung was trembling and the olders started to worry. They looked at angry Jimin shooking their head signed him to stop it already but Jimin didn't gave a fuck to it.

" He killed himself from feeling guilty for scaring Nana like that.. You used him for your own sake. Why? Because you know he has feeling towards her too... You're a selfish dumbass. You happy now huh Taehyung? This is what you really want right? "

" Ya Jimin, I think you're going to far.. Stop it. " Yoongi said as he let go of Jimin after seeing him calm a little.

" Why? I said the truth.. Don't you guess agree? Tell me Tae, you want me to kill Jungkook so that Nana will be yours? I can do it for you ri- "

" I SAID STOP IT!! " Taehyung yelled and crying just then. He started to hit himself and screamed like crazy. Hoseok and Seokjin tried their best to stop him. The situation was totally uncontrollable right now.

" Jimin please. Enough. I know Taehyung was wrong but you can't bring up all the past.. He still in his healing mood and.. Don't make thing worse.. For now, Seokjin hyung will bring Taehyung with him to his house. And you.. Calm youself down. We will talk about this later. "

He patted Jimin's back and and went back home. One by one walked out from the apartment and left Jimin all by himself. He flopped on the couch, he brushed his hair in frustration. Then he palmed his whole face, tears flowing down.

" I'm sorry Tae.. I'm not a good friend to you.. I'm sorry... "

Jimin repeated the words until he fall asleep on the couch.

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