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˙Listen to the song while reading guys.˙


" Ju-jungkook ah.... " My voice cracked as I cried seeing him ready to fight for me at that time.

I got up and quickly hide behind him for more safety. The bad guy became angrier and wanted to punch him. Jungkook fast enough to dodge and kicked him at his stomach make him felt on the ground again. He groaned in pained and ran away.

After make sure that the guy gone, Jungkook turned backed at me " Nana-ah, you're okay? " His voice sound worried. I bursted into tears and just hugged him tightly without thinking. Only God knews how terrified I am.

" Shhh it's okay. You're safe now. " He said softly while stroking my hair lightly. " Come. I'll take you home. " He continued his words and we both walking silently towards my house.

" Th-thanks for saving me just now. " I broke the silence. " A-and sorry for that hug. I...Huh.. " I bited my bottom lips, embarrassed for the stupid thing that I've done. I didnt dare to look at his face.

" Wait. Did you just said "thanks"? I never expected someone ego liked you would said that precious word. " He glanced at me with a smile for a second and moved his gazed on the ground again.

" Yah you freak! At least I did. Well, I take back my words. " I clenched my teeth and rolled my eyes. I walked a bit fast leaving him behind.

" Now you're acting rude with me ha bunny? Aish really. I'm sorry okay. " Jungkook stood in front of me, showing his cute bunny teeth.

I looked at him and chuckled a little. I knew it's weird but I never saw someone this handsome changed into a cute boy in a short time. " Fine then. " I rolled my eyes.

A few mins later, we both arrived at my house. " So, we're arrived. You should go now. It's lated already and thanks again for saved my life. " I said shyly while playing with my fingers.

" Nana... " He said in a low voice more like whispered. " Yes? " I lifted my head and shockingly, our nose about to touch. My cheeks started to blush and I immediately took a few steps back but he just get closer to me as he eyeing me. My face became more redden.

" Hey. Are you sick? You're face burning. " Jungkook cupped my cheeks and then put his left hand on my forehead to check my body temperature.

I'm stood there speechless. I shook my head as my hand quickly pushed his hand away in a polite way.

" I-I'm okay. I'll get in first. S-see you tomorrow and thank you. Goodnight! " I said in one breathe, rushed into the house and slammed the door shut.

I looked through the door hole, seeing Jungkook walked away with a wide smiled on his face. I leaned on the door while put my hand on my chest. My heart beated so fast liked I'm done running for a sprint.

Why I'm feeling liked this towards him? I hated him but I felt comfortable around him at the same time. What's wrong with me?

" Maybe I'm thinking too much. " I sighed and went to my room to sleep.


" Honey, wake up! You might late for school. " Mom yelled from downstairs.

Urgh that alarm won't let me sleep in peaceful.

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