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I wandered my eyes around the cafe to find Jimin. Just now, he texted me to meet him at the usual cafe because he wanted to tell me something important. Then I spotted Jimin wearing a gold jacket enjoying his dessert. (Who else will wear that blink jacket just for some cake)

I immediately walked towards him and sat on the chair across him. " hyung, what's up? " Jimin didn't answered and continued to eat the cake. I rolled my eyes and pulled it away from him. He glared at me with his big eyes while took the plate back to him.

" ahh jiminnie hyung.., tell me, hurryyy.. " I whining and hit his arm. Did he knew that I'm not in the mood to joke around?

" aish this kid. okay okay. " he took out a big envelope and passed it to me. I took it with an anxiety face. My hands suddenly shaking and I just felt that I'm not ready to know the truth yet.

" are you nervous, kook? " Jimin asked, make me suprised a little.

Jimin nodded. " kook, I guarantee that you will thanking me for this. " He double jerk his eyebrows.

" why would I? " I rolled my eyes.

He shrugged his shoulders and gave me the cute eyes smile. This hyung really... I opened the envelope and took out the document. I slowly read what written there and




" hyung... "


" I.. I have to go.. " I stood up but Jimin stopped me immediately.

" Seat. " he commended.

I sat silently at my place as my hand strongly grab the envelope.

" we really need to talk about this. "


" kook? "


He facepalmed himself. " this is why I don't want you to know anything about this.. "

" I... I... " I lowered my head avoiding from meeting Jimin's eyes. He knew I'm not a good liar. Everything can be seen in my eyes. He can read me..

" look, you have to accept this. Don't make the same stupid mistake, again. " he said.

" am not! " I told him.

" yeah right. Like I'm too dumb to tell that you purposely avoiding her during high school till she decide to go to America. Duhh.. " he rolled his eyes.

" I have my own reason.. " I muttered the words.

" what reason? Stop hurting her..and yourself. Stop make us worry about you.. " Jimin said softly to me.

Jimin was right. I always full of myself. I never wanted to care about anyone's feeling especially Nana. I make desicion without knowing that it will be bad to both of us...

I grabbed Jimin's small hand tightly, make him looked at me in confusion.

" what the- "

" hyung, I know you adore her so much as your sister..and I promise to you that I will not break her heart again. " I sincerely spoke those words to him.

" what if you break your promise, kook? " Jimin asked.

" y-you can beat me.. I won't fight back because I deserve it. " I confidently said it even I knew the angry Jimin was quiet scary, when beast in him rise, there will be no tomorrow for me.

a/n; let's pray for Jungkookie, everyone.

" ergh, alright. Now let go of my hand. People will think that we are gay. I don't want to end my life without marrying an 'actual' girl. " Jimin forcefully pulled his hand away from mine.

I scratched the back of my head shyly after realise that people were looking disgusting towards us.


I'm back :')

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