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Since we're back home from the hospital, Taehyung didn't spoke a word and just playing with his video game. I sighed. I didn't knew why he acted like this today or maybe, I knew bout it but pretend like I didn't cared.

I moved my head towards his face, distracted him from the video game. He just stared at me with a seriously-dude-i'm-about-to-win-already face to me. I looked at him with a smiled on my face. He put it aside and focused on me.

" What are you doing, Jimin ssi? " He asked with his serious face.

I still smiling and blinking my eyes continuously. I met him first before both of us be a part of Bangtan. When I first came to Seoul, he was the one who approached me and wanted to be friend with me. He treat me like his own brother. I felt comfortable around him and he asked me to move in with him. I knew Taehyung really well. He won't simply told anyone about how he felt or anything. Sometimes it so hard to read his mind.

" Hey, are you okay Tae? " I asked him worriedly. He stared at me and shrugged his shoulders.

" Err..you know...I don't know how to say this but...I always be here for you...just let me know if you want to share anything. I'll definitely lend you my ears... " I started to get shy for no reason.

He tilted his head and looked at me with a weird face. " Why your cheeks look red? Are you shy, Jimin ssi? " He teased me.

" N-no I'm not! A-ahh, I wanna make some coffee for us. Wait here! " I pushed him away and got up heading to the kitchen. Taehyung laughed and continued playing the video game. I turned around and looked at him. He always had that calmed face but deep down in his heart, he was hurting.

Wish you will opened up about it one day, buddy.



I woke up and looked at the clock. 4:00 pm. Damn, it already past lunch time and I'm feeling so hungry right now. I decided to wash myself first and went to the cafeteria for some food.

When I'm about to stand up, I felt a strong grip on my hand. " J-jungkook.... " A soft voice called my name. Am I dreaming right now? Again, the voice called my name. I quickly turned towards Nana and yes, she's awake! I quickly pushed the button to call the doctor.

" W-where am I? Ouch, my head... " She asked while trying to sit straight but the pained make her unable to move freely.

" Wait... " I quickly set up the pillow to make her felt comfortable. " Here, you can lean on this pillow. " She smiled at me and followed what I told her to do.

I sat on the chair and looked at Nana in disbelief. " You're at the hospital right now. You've been coma almost a month. " She just nodded and looked at the window.

Not long after that, doctor arrived to check on her condition. I left the room for a while to let the doctor did his job. Few minutes later, doctor walked out from the room with a smile on his face.

" How's her condition? " I asked him.

" Suprisingly, she is getting better. Your wife really a strong person. She fight with her all to stay alive but she have to stay for a few days just to make sure that her condition is fine. " I thanked him and got backed into the room.

Nana was daydreaming and she looked so weak with her pale face. I slowly walked to the bed and stood beside her. I bet she totally lost in her own mind because she didn't noticed me for a while. I bend a little and pecked her right cheek. Nana jolted a little and quickly turned her head towards me.

" O-ohh, you're h-here... " she stuttered and both her cheeks became red like riped tomato and I can't helped myself to laugh at her cute face. Nana covered her face with her both hands.

For some reason, I felt extremely shy to face Nana right now. One, I told the doctor that I'm her freaking husband which is not make any sense because she always pushed me away. Second, Nana woke up just to see me in this messy state. What a great timing huh?

Nana just stayed in silence make me worried a little. I sat on the bed and stared at her.

" I'm sorry if I make you feel uncomfortable. You know...err...your cheek keep calling for my lips..it call a gravity force...yea something like that...and I can't stop myself. Sorry... "

Damn Jungkook! Why you can't controlled yourself from doing stupid thing?!

I cursed at myself in my head. Now I felt bad as hell towards her. Nana still not moved an inche. I became more worried.

I grabbed her both shoulders and pulled her closely towards me. " Hey babe, are you mad at me? I-i'm sorry for being rude...I- "

Before I could finished my words, Nana removed her hands and returned back the kiss on my cheek. My eyes became as big as a ping pong ball felt so shocked at her reaction.

" Guess that is a gravity force too...what can I say... " She grinned at me and hid her face on my chest. I can't describe how happy I am right now. One thing that I'm very sure, she started to open her heart for me which was a great opportunity for me to make her mine.

" I'm glad that you still alive babe... " I kissed her head and hugged her tight.


Hey guys, finally I've updated again!
Sorry for making you guys waiting for too long.
I just got my driving license but I still afraid to drive a car lol.
I am such a coward.
Oh and congratulations to our boys for winning Artist Of The Year at MAMA.
I'm so proud of them 😭💖🔥
So, enjoy reading and stay healthy.
Just tell me if you guys not satisfied with this chapter.
I will try to improve in my next chapter.

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