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Taehyung sat on the couch bitting his nail in nervousness and there's Jimin seems extremely mad walking forth and backed. He stopped and turned to face Taehyung.

" okay listen here Taehyung...first, you break our promise...second, what the hell did you do in front of her house?! "

Taehyung gasp. " emmm I....just.... " he lost words to say but then his phone rang. He quickly picked up the call after saw the caller ID.

" Nana...where are you going?! I go to your house this evening but you not there..are you okay? He threw many questions worriedly.

Nana chuckled on the other line. " oppa calm down...I'm at Busan now..dont worry.. "

" Busan?? Alone?? You want me to go there?? "

He forgot that Jimin was standing right in front of him waiting to beat him up.

" No, I'm not alone... I'm with Jungkook... It's okay oppa, I will meet you after I go back to Seoul.. "

" aahh Jungkookie...alright, see you soon... "

He hang up the phone and sighed. He felt so hurt when he heard Jungkook's name. After the incident at the hospital back then, he never talked to Jungkook. He felt so angry when Jungkook just let Nana being hurted liked that. He hated seeing someone that he loves so dearly, almost lose her life. He stood up and walked to his room leave Jimin there alone.

" yah, we're not done talking yet...you need to tell me everything! " Jimin fasten his pace to catch up with Taehyung and grabbed his shoulder. Taehyung shoved Jimin's hand away felt so annoyed. He got into his room and locked the door. He need space to calm himself.

Jimin just stood in front of the door, concern about Taehyung. Jimin can't see Taehyung in this state. It hurted him a lot. He regret for not being with Taehyung all this time. He knew it's hard for Taehyung but it's hard for him too. The seven of them were hurting.

He took out his phone and called someone. After the second beep, the line connected. " Namjoon hyung.... Taehyung...he.... " Jimin couldn't contain his sadness and burst into tears.

" yah chimchim...why you crying??what happened to Taehyung??? "

" he.... " Jimin can't continued his words.

" don't tell me that he did it again?? " Namjoon sound nervous.

" hyung....help him... " Jimin voice was shaking from crying.

" oh God... I will talk to the others...look after him okay... "

" and... "

" I get it...no Jungkook here... "

Namjoon hang up the phone and Jimin burst into tears again. He just stared at the door didn't moved an inch. He knew he was being selfish right now but this was for Taehyung's sake too. He will do anything as long as Taehyung happy but not with Nana.

I'm sorry Tae... I had to do this... I didn't wanted you to get hurted anymore...


Another secret huh???

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