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The sound of tires scratched on the road.

The loud scream that echo through the night. 

Tears . Unconscious body . Bloods ...

The boy walked inside a room with a helped from a little light along the way.

In that room, there's a pretty girl standing at the center of the room smiling sweetly while reached out her hand towards him.

When he about to grab her hand, the girl body stained with blood all of sudden. The girl cried and vanished from his sight in a second.

He's panicked and started to find the girl around the room while crying.

But the girl nowhere to be found.

The room gets dark and darker and his vision's went black.

"uhh R-Reen d-don't go. Pl-please! " He's frowning and beads of sweats were forming on his forehead. He opened his eyes and sat on the bed immediately, feeling frightened. Tears rolled down on his cheeks continuously.

"Hey, nightmare again huh? " The voice owner entered the room and sat beside him.

He nodded. " Jin hyung, I...I missed her. " He hugged Jin and burst into tears again.

Jin patted his head and rubbed his back. " It's okay Jungkook. I know. Now, wake up. We'll be late. I've make you pancakes. Eat it before we go to school.

Jin walked out from Jungkook's room and disappeared. Jungkook heaved a sighed, wiped the remain tears and go take a shower. He wears his uniform, sprayed a little cologne at his wrist, grabbed the bag and went downstairs eat his breakfast. After that, he walked with Jin headed to the school.



I reached in front of my locker and opened it to take some books for today's lessons. I'm about to close my locker door but then, I heard a crashed sound. I turned my head towards the place where the sound came from and saw a girl rubbing her forehead in pained. 

I recognize her hair color even the hair, completely covered her face. Few students who saw the incident laughed at her. She slammed the door loudly and walked a bit fast with her head down and headed to our class. I guess.

I watched she walked away and a slight smile formed on my face. I stood there lost in my own thought. Then, someone tapped my shoulder make me jolted a little.

" Oi ~ daydreaming ait? " I knew this voice. It's Taehyung hyung.

I looked at his smiling face and shook my head. Then turned my head back towards the girl that just took the corner at the end of the corridor. I excuse myself and go straight to the class.

I entered the class and my eyes fixed at Nana, who was sleeping with her head on the desk and her back palms as the based. I sat at my place, took out the book that the short girl in front of me left yesterday.



I sat at my place and hung my bag at the hook beside my table while rubbing my ached forehead. I cursed in my head.

That darn locker door, aishh!

When I wanted to open the door, it's stuck. So, I decided to pull it with all my heart and it hit right at my forehead make a loud pang! sound. 

I started to set the pace, when I accidentally saw that Jungkook kid looked directly at me. This is one of the most embarrass moment in my life I swear! Just then, I saw Ju, what was his name again? walked inside the class.

I immediately put my head down and unfortunately, I bang my head to hard, hit the same ached spot. I clenched my teeth endured the pained.

The kid passed my seat and sat at his place. I peeked a little through my hair strand, saw him holding my book. Aihh this kid really. My freehand turned into a fist in a second.

I will get that book back later!

Madam Lee entered the class and started the lesson as I head up my head, looked straight at the whiteboard acted like I gave full attention to the subject but no. My mind kept cursing at the boy who sat behind me right now!


Pheuw ~ long chapter and I'm sorry if it kinda bored.

I will do better for the next chapter.

Happy reading ~

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