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. enjoy the song while reading .

It's all your fault!

You're the one who killed her!

I won't forgive you Jeon Jungkook!


That words kept playing liked a film in my head. I sat on the sofa, spaced out and tears stream down my both cheeks.

" No. I don't killed her. "

Mumble to myself

" I won't do that to her. "

Shook my head continuously

" I loved her! "

Sobbing ...

My body collapsed on the floor and I started to punch my chest crazily. My heart hurted so much! I kept repeating the same action but then someone kneel down and stopped me by grabbing my hand hardly.

" Yah kookie! What's wrong with you?! "

Jin looked at me with a worried face.

" Hyung, I loved her. I won't do that to her. I don't killed her! No! It's not my fault! The car that crashed her not me! "

I barked that words like a mad person while still sobbing. Jin hugged me tightly and he into tears too.

" Maknae ya, I knew you didnt killed her. It's hurted me so bad seeing you in this state. Please back to your old self again. I begged you. " His tears kept falling.

I didnt answer him back and crying instead. I can't be strong anymore. Jenny words really hit me like a tow truck. Few minutes past and I fall asleep in Jin's embrace.



It's been a month last I saw Jungkook. After that incident, he didnt showed himself at school. I just cant stopped think bout him.

" Should I visited him? Or just asked his member? But it would be nice if I asked him by myself. Or maybe not? " I talked to myself on my way back home. " Aishh molla! " I messed my hair in frustration and stomped my feet on the road.

I stopped there and heard voices chuckling behind me. I turned my head and saw two boys covered their mouth not to laugh too loud.

" Yah Taehyung oppa! Jimin oppa! Why you both following me?! " I shouted and gave a death glare at them.

" You missed him right? " They both asked me in unison.

I gasped and nodded my head not longer after that. I stared at my feet avoided from making eye contacted with both of them. This is embarrasing but I've to admit that I really missed him a lot.

In a blink of an eye, Taehyung and Jimin linked their arms with mine at the same time. I looked at them in confusion.

" Wh--where...are...we...going? " I asked while struggled to release myself from their strong gripped.

They didnt answered me back but just gave me creepy smiles that completely make me uncomfortable. I knew they are up to something and I didnt knew what was it.

Not long after that, three of us arrived in front of someone house. I have no idea who's house is it. When Jimin about to knock the door, we heard someone shouting from inside.

I dont killed her! No! It's not my fault! The car that crashed her not me!

We stood there in shock without making any sound. Jimin and Taehyung make an eye contact with each other and I knew that we all in front of Jungkook's house. I knew his voice so well.

" Oppa, what happened to him? Why he being liked this? Why he's crying? Why we just stand here doing nothing? We have to see him! " I spilled that words to them with a worried voice.

They mumble something that only two of them knows and it's make me more curious. They hid something big about Jungkook from me.

I'm about to ask them but Jimin fast enough to make my mouth shut again.

" Let's joined us grabbed some bubble tea. I guess Jungkook busy right now. We will come later. Hehe. " He laughed awkwardly as he grabbed my hand and dragged me to the coffee shop nearby.

" B--but oppa... He-- "

" Aish this girl. Shut your mouth or I will kissed you! Kajaaaaaa ~ "

Taehyung put both of his hands on my shoulder and pushed my small body with him them. I kept my mouth shut and just let myself being dragged with this two annoying oppas. Aigoo ~

My head can't stopped thinking about what I've heard just now. Why Jungkook acted cold towards me all of sudden? Who is "she" and why he's being hurted so bad like that? What happened to him and that "girl" he mention just now? I need to find the answer soon.


Hello readers. I'm really sorry for this really really really late update. I just recovered from fever and a bad gastric. Comment and voted ya! Stay healthy. Love you all mwahh! 💕😘

 Love you all mwahh! 💕😘

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I cant stop myself from listening to BTS new song

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I cant stop myself from listening to BTS new song. Jimin looked super cute with that stripe shirt and shoes on his hand 😘😍

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