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Silence fill in the car, Nana lost in her own thought and Jungkook decide not to speak as well. Half an hour later, they arrived at one place.

Jungkook took a glance at her, she didn't budged from her seat or got out from the car. He bravely reached out his hand and slowly touched her shoulder.

She turned her head towards him, gave him an emotionless face. " Mind to follow to me for a while? " Jungkook asked.

Nana nodded a little and open the car door, waiting for Jungkook. " Where- " she about to ask, but Jungkook cut her off.

" You will know soon.. " he said. She walked slowly behind Jungkook and not long after that, he stopped and turned around to see the clueless Nana.

" Here, your mom.. " He gestured her to come closer to her mom's grave. Nana silently sat on her knees, caress the tombstone. " How... "

" Em, after she knows that you were coma, she barely eat, got no enough sleep, and... suffer from breast cancer, stage 4.. " Jungkook said as he took place beside Nana.

She bit her lower lip, endure herself from crying. " w-why.. she should tell me.. bout this earlier.. " tears started to form and she tried her best not to cry in front of Jungkook.

Jungkook fought with his brain whether he should comfort her now or, you know, let her calmed by herself. He guess? But after seeing Nana's body trembling, he started to worry a lot.

He gathered his strength, slowly hugged her from the side, rest his chin on her shoulder. " hey, " he looked at her pale face. " are you okay? " he said worriedly.

Nana heave a heavy sighed, grabbed his arm with her right hand tightly. " w-we should go h-home.. I need rest. " She said and gave a fake smile to Jungkook. He nodded and helped her got up, to bring her home.



Jungkook parked his car in front of my house. I stared blankly at the house through the window, heave a heavy sighed for how many times, I don't even knew.

How can I live alone in this house that full of our memories together? I didn't said goodbye to her. As I remember, we didn't spent much time with each other. Why now? There's too much thing I wanted to asked her.

I asked myself in silent, am I ready for this?

I felt a strong hand gripped my hand. I just let him, plus I need it right now. Just to built my strength back to get through all of this. He shook my hand a little, make me looked into his eyes. The glimps of his eyes comfort me.

" You sure that you fine? " His voice sound worried. I flashed him a weak smile, nodded. " Alone? " He questioned me again. I nodded. He sighed. He knew that I won't changed my desicion easily.

I opened the car door and about to went out, he grabbed my arm. I sat backed and turned my head towards him. He released my arm, which I'm kinda sad because.. I don't know.. his touch, brought me, a new feel..

" Call me if you want anything, you heard me? First, take this key and we will talk about this soon, when you feel better. " He added. I gave him another smile, out from the car and closed the door.

I took in a deep breath, put the key into the key hole and turned the door knob slowly. I pushed the door with a mixed feeling. I switched on the light, shown the empty house, and walked with heavy steps. My eyes wandered around the corner, still felt the presence of my mom..

I felt on my knees, I put my hand on my chest, grabbed my shirt tightly. My heart.. hurted so bad right now. This house felt so cold and dull. The feeling of being alone...

" Mom, I'm home... " I muttered the words, wishing that she will came and greet me with a warm hug but no.

" Mooom... " I called for her again. Still hoping.


" ARGHHHHHHH! " I screamed out lout and hitted my chest multiple times. I instantly burst into tears. The pain was real. She was not longer here.. No more blabbering, no more laughing, no more sweet smile from her... for me.

I cried with all my heart, hoping this pain will dissappeared but it hurting even more. Suddenly, I felt two strong arms pulled me into embrace.

" I know you will be like this, shhhh... " Jungkook hugged me tightly. I buried my face in his chest and cried even more.

" Why.. she have to leave now? Why... " My voice cracked from crying to much. " Jungkook please, I want her back... " I repeated the same things to him.

" I'm sorry babe, I'm sorry... I can't do that for you. Sorryy... " Jungkook planted a kiss on my head and he can't helped but to cry with me. " I'm here... It's okay.. Don't cry. " He knew the feel when you lose someone that you adore so much. You can't describe how hurted you were that time.

I didn't knew for how long am crying and I felt so sleepy. The warmness from his body, calmed me a little. Slowly, I shut my eyes and fall asleep in his arms. Last thing that I know, I felt a soft thing rest on my forehead.


What do you think about this chapter?

Sorry if this is not sad as you guys expected.

I'm not good at it, sorry.

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Happy reading 💜

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