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. Hope the song suit this chap well 👏 .


I stood at my bedroom balcony spacing out while staring at my phone screen. I just let the breeze carresses my face and lost in my deep thought.

" Hey, spaced out again? " Someone tapped my shoulder make me jolted a little. I turned my head to my right side seeing Taehyung hyung smiled at me. I just shook my head and admired the scenery from the balcony.

" Are you okay, kookie ya? 2 months passed and you just locked yourself in this house. Look at you now. You looked miserable. " Hyung looked concern.

I sighed heavily.

" I missed Nana. I should went to see her at the airport. I'm just too ego to confront her. I felt so regret being too harsh towards her. Now she left me. I...I... " Tears falling down my cheeks.

Taehyung patted my back softly as he feeling sorry seeing me in this state.

" It's okay Jungkook. We can't blame you for all this. There's must be a silver line behind this. If you and Nana are meant to be together, she will came back to you. " Taehyung said.

I burst into tears again and hugged him tightly.

" It's...hurt...me... " I sniffed.

Then, I felt another arms wrap my body followed by another four strong arms afterwards.

" Maknae ya, stay strong okay. No matter what happened, we always be there for you. " Jimin said while sobbing and the rest just nodded their head agreed with him.

" Thank you, hyungs. " I tighten my hug and gave them a big smile.


5 years later ...

I looked at my watch; 7:30 am and I still got 30 mins for having some breakfast. I ordered french toast and a cup of latte. 2 mins after that, the waiter came back with the food.

I'm about to sip my latte then someone approached me and sat on the chair across me.

" Sorry I'm lated. My alarm got turned off again. Aish! " He nag while struggled with his tie.

" Same excuses, Jimin hyung. " I rolled my eyes and enjoyed my french toast.

" So, did you already find the replacement for your assistant? " Jimin asked me after done ordering his food.

I shook my head twice while sipping my remain latte.

" It's so hard to find a great one. They kept flirting and I felt totally uncomfortable with it. "

" If I be your assistant, of course I will fall for handsome boss like you. " Jimin winked his eye towards me.

" Ahh hyung! You gross! " I make a disgusting looked and laughed.


" Hello, Jeon Jungkook speaking. "

" Hello Mr. Jeon, someone had apply to be your new assistant and you have to interview her today. I bet she can be a good assistant to you. "

" Good to hear that. What time she will come? "

" Around 8:30 am, boss. "

" Okay. I'll be there soon. "

I hang up the called and finished my toast.

" I got to go hyung. See you after work. " I grabbed my phone and key car heading to the parking lot and drove to the company.

30 mins later, I parked my car and got out from the car, walked a bit fast towards my office. While I'm struggled wearing my coat, I accidently bumped onto this small girl that wear a blue dress.

" Omg! I'm sorry miss. I didn't see you. " I helped her to get up.

" A-ahh it's okay. I'm in hurry. Thank you. " The girl just walked away left me there dumbfounded.

The girl looked familiar...

I shook my head. Maybe it's just my imagination. I took the elevator and walked to the receptionist counter.

" Yeri, did the person had arrived? " She just nodded. " Call her to my office now. "

I entered my office and sprayed some perfume on my wrist. Not long after that, someone knocked the door. I told the person to come in.

" Hello, I'm here to interview for the assistant position. "

" You can sit. " I didn't saw her face because I'm too busy checking my file and when I turned around, I'm a bit shocked seeing the person in front of me.

No....It can't be.

My heart started pounding like crazy. I felt liked my pulse had stopped. Am I dreaming? I pinched my arm a bit and I felt hurt. Gosh I'm not even dreaming.

I put down the file and walked towards the girl in disbelief. I just can express my feeling right now. I felt so happy yet sad at the same time.

" You..... "


Another update yeay! Thanks for still reading this book and support me till now. Comment and voted guys. Have a nice day😍😘💞

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