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" G-good morning, Mr. Jeon. " I bowed.

He didn't spoke any words but slowly walked towards me. I still bend my body as he suddenly pulled my body and hugged me tightly. I'm kinda shocked due his action.

" You're backed. " He whispered to my ear.

I just let him hugged me. Without my knowing, I hugged him backed. I missed his scent so much.

" I'm sorry.... I'm sorry.... I'm sorry.... " He kept repeating that words with his husky voice. I didn't knew how to react. I want to pat his back but my mind said no.

" Uhh... You hugged me too tight. " I said while hit his shoulder lightly.

" Ahh... Sorry... " He let me go not showing his face and secretly wipe his tears away.

Is he crying? I thought.

This situation was so awkward.

I decided to break the silence " Emm.. So, when will I started my job? "

" You can started today and you will shared the same office as mine. There is your desk. Treat yourself okay. " He said while his hand busy finding some files on his desk. A few mins later, he handed me a blue file.

" Here. In this file have all the works that you should do. Just asked me if you don't understand anything. So, what's my schedule for today? " He sat at the corner of my desk looking straight into my eyes.

His stare make my heart skipped a beat. Even after 5 years, he himself always make me melted just liked the old day. I'm lost in his handsomeness.

" Too handsome to avoid huh? " He asked me with a smirked make me back to reality.

" Uhh... " I opened the file and quickly read all his schedule but careless me, I spilled all the papers on the floor. I facepalmed myself. On my very first day? Seriously?

I bend on my lap and started to collect the papers one by one. When I'm struggling with all the papers, he bend same level as mine and stopped my both hands. I lifted my eyes, looking at him in confusion.

He chuckled. " You still not changed. Clumsy as always. " He pinched my cheeks make me blushed so hard.

Honestly, I still liked him but my precious heart still hurted from what he had done to me five years ago. I just can't forgave him that easily. He left me broken hearted and it's totally sucks!

" Uhh Mr.Jeon... You need to attend a meeting now or you will be lated. " I avoided my eyes from making an eye contact with him.

" Mr. Jeon was too formal for us. Just call me Jungkook. " He titled his head and gave me a sweet smile.

" B-but Mr- "

" What did you say? " He cut me off.

" Ahh sorry. I mean Ju-Jungkook. " I said while playing with my fingers.

He chuckled again. " See you later pretty. " He patted my head twice and slightly pecked my forehead before he left me there dumbfounded.

My face suddenly heated up and I touched the spot that Jungkook just kissed.

What was that for ....


Hey all the pretty fangirls out there. Miss me? ㅋㅋㅋ Sorry again for this short chap and lated update. I've been busy this entire week and being an intern is soooo hard I'm dying TT
Voted and comment guys. I love you all 💕💞

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