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xoxo 😘😍🎉



I standing at the roadside across Jungkook's house not knowing what to do. Should I just go to the front door and have a serious talk with him or standing here doing nothing. My palms sweating showing that I'm totally nervous right now.

This is insane.

But then, I remember everything that he did to me. The harsh words that he spoke to me when the last time we saw each other. Thinking bout it make my heart hurt.

I sighed.

I put aside my intention and decided to head back home. If I met him right now, he might hated me more. I guess.


I sat at my place reading book silently and like usual, the others kept making noise before the class started. It's not that I didn't want to be friend with em but I used to be by myself.

Then, the crowd suddenly became quite. I looked at my watch; 7:45 am. It's not even 8:00 yet. I turned my head towards the class entrance and my eyes became as big as a ping pong ball, seeing one figure.

That I miss so much ...

He walked to his seat and I just cant took my eyes off him. His hair looked messy and his body looked thin. Did I say that he looked a bit like zombie? Dark circle, pale face. Omg!

Of course the others shocked seeing him in that state too. Include me. I really need to talk to him today. I thought.

End of the class, students started to packed their things and went out of the class, Jungkook got up from his seat and joined the crowd too. I quickly grabbed my things and followed him. He acting weird today. As I walked behind him, Jungkook suddenly felt on his both knees on the path.

" Omo! Jungkook ah! " I immediately ran towards him and grab his both shoulders to help him get up.

" Here, let me help- " I'm kinda shocked when he shove my both hands away from him.

" Get your dirty hands away from me. I don't need your help! " He pissed off.

" B-but "

" Stay away from me! " Jungkook yelled at me and started walking again.

" Jungkook ah, we need to talk! " I shouted.

But he didn't even bother to look back. I balled my hands into fist, gathered courage and shout at him.

" YAH! I LIKED YOU IDIOT! " My face turned red as I holding back my tears.

Jungkook stopped for a while after hearing that words but then... he left me there dumbfounded.

I felt on the ground and tears stream down continuously on both of my cheeks. The only thing that I felt right now ..... PAIN



" Good afternoon passengers. This is pre - boarding announcement for flight to America. Please have your boarding pass and identification ready. Regular boarding will begin in approximately ten minutes time. Thank you. "

" It's time. I have to go now, mom. " Nana hugged her mom tightly.

" Take care of yourself okay honey. I gonna miss my daughter a lot. " She already burst into tears.

" Don't worry. I've grown up. I can take care of myself. I love you mom. " Nana kissed her mom's cheek and pulled the luggage to check her boarding pass. Suddenly, someone pulled her arm and turned her body around. She shocked seeing BTS there and of course, Jungkook was not with them.

" Nana-ah, do you really have to go? " Taehyung pouted.

Nana looked at their sad faces one by one feeling guilty.

" O-oppa, how...did..you know that I'm here? " She stuttered.

" Please stay. We all need you. We can't let you go liked this. " Jimin trying to make her stay.

Nana shook her head and gave them faked smile.

" Sorry guys. I really need to go there. This is my chance to chase my own dream and forget everything that had happened all this time. I need to recover my own heart.

They sighed heavily and gave her a group hug. They feeling sad to let her go yet they knew that Nana have her own right to make her own life.

" Don't forget us. " Suga said.

" Eomma Jinnie will miss my lil princess a lot. " Jin pinched both her cheeks.

Nana laughed at their silly attitude and heading to the flight. After she found her seat, she sat there and her mind started thinking bout Jungkook. It's kinda sad because she's expecting Jungkook to shown up but no. She should started to learn to forget him.

" Good bye Jeon Jungkook. I hope you'll do well without me. "

She closed her eyes and drove to sleep.


Hey readers. Sorry for the late update and this lame chapter.

I will work hard for the next chapter.

Stay healthy and have a nice day.

Love ya mwah!~

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