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+next morning+

The ringing sound from my phone interrupted my peaceful sleep. I felt so annoyed and just wanted to curse to anyone that dare to wake up the sleeping beauty.

I groaned and checked the caller ID. I suddenly felt wide awake and quickly answer it.

" H-hi, grandpa.. w-why you calling me this early? " I fluttered.

" bet you know the answer, sweetie.. " he sound strict.

" hmm, it's not that easy... I've tried my best.. " I'm telling him white lie.

" I know you not even try. I'm not sending you there just to waste my money, Kim Nana. I. Want. That. Project! " he yelled on the other line.

" b-but grandpa, he is kind to me. I won't do that bad thing to him. Never! " I accidently raise my voice to him.

" don't you ever talk back to me like that! I will make you suffer like your late mom if I want to.. " he sounded mad.

Why I have a heartless grandfather like you? I questioned to myself.

" okay..what's the plan? " I asked.

" simple.. " he paused. " destroy him... " I can tell that he was smirking there. I hang up the call and hold the phone tightly.

What should I do?

He was asking for too much.

I already felt guilty for treating him this harsh and now, I have to destroy him?

This is insane. Totally...

" argghhh! " I screamed as I messed my hair in frustration.

I went to my room and changed from my pajamas to a white shirt matched with a dark blue jeans. I need some fresh air. Sitting in the lonely house make me feeling worse.

I wandered around the neighbourhood without had the specifice place to go. While I'm losing in my thought, a guy with a broad shoulder accidently bumped onto me and unlucky me, I felt on my butt.

" ouch! " I hissed and squirmed in pain.

" gosh, I'm sorry miss! " he said with his deep voice and trying to help me up.

I'm about to curse him for being careless but when I saw his face, my eyes widen like a ping pong ball. " Taehyung oppa... "

He looked shocked too but then he gave me a boxy smile " nice to meet you again.. " he said.

We decided to sit at the park nearby as we both haven't seen each other quiet a long time. I heave a deep sighed make him looked straight at my face.

" you okay? " his face looked concern.

I gave him an empty smile. " I'm good..just, you know..things happen. " I shrugged and he just nodded as the respond.

He suddenly pulled me into a hug make my body jolted. " promise me, you won't get hurt again okay? " he softly whisper to my ear make me blushed.

" o-oppa, you hugging me too tight..I..can't..breathe... " I tapped his back multiple times. " oh. sorry.. " he loosen his arms and it's not end there. He pecked my forehead before he got up to go to the public toilet nearby.

Crap! What the hell did happened just now?!

I touched my forehead, damn! My face felt liked burning. This was the last thing that I expected to come from him.

Stop beating so fast, you crap heart!

When I'm trying to calm myself, Taehyung stood in front of me as he stretched out his hand. I looked at him, confused.

" I'll walk you home.. " he gave me a boxy smile.

I nodded and took his hand, we walked side to side in silence. It felt so awkward to walk with him right now. (Who will survive after get peck by #1 handsome guy, aite?)

I lost in my own thought when he suddenly grabbed my hand tightly. I shook his hand make he turned his head towards me.

" what's wrong? " I asked.

He didn't answered but pulled me into his embrace instead. Again?! What was wrong with him today? I tried to release my body from him but he stopped me.

" don't move... " He said.

I nodded and quietly stood in his warm embrace. To be honest, I loved this feeling. I didn't knew why.. His presence...comfort me.

Why I'm being like this???

" ouch! Yah Kim Taehyung! " I yelped in pained as I rubbed my nose.

" Kim Taehyung? Yah, I'm your oppa. O-P-P-A " He came forward, ready to tickle me.

I quickly ran away from him and he chased me afterwards. The neighbourhood filled with our laughter and joyness.

Little did we knew, someone was watching us from far and that person looked extremely mad right now.


Is it good or bad?

I'm trying so hard for this chap T^T

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