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" Omaigod! I'm lated again. "

I took my briefcase on the passenger seat beside me and rushed into the office. When I'm passed the reception counter, the receptionist called my name. I turned my body and walked to her and gave her a what-is-it looked.

She smiled and just hand me a red rose and there's a card attached with it. I frowned and lifted my head a little as the signal, asking who was the sender. Yeri just shrugged her shoulder. Then, I slowly make my way towards the lift and headed to my office. I just stared at the rose in my hand and opened the small card.

" I'm crazy of you, Kim Nana... "

- secret admire -

Since I worked in this company, I always got this mystery rose every Tuesday and the same things was written in every card. Scared? Of course I am! Is it Jungkook? Nahh. He's too busy with his new project and if it really him, he will wrote his own name there.

It's suddenly gave me goosebumps. I shrugged all the thought and threw the rose into the dustbin. I turned on the PC and focused doing my works. Without I realize, someone watching me from the outside of my office looked pissed off.

When I'm busy re-arranging the files into the cabinet, I felt someone's hand touched both side of my waist. I jolted a little feeling shocked and heard someone chuckled behind me. Who else it could be.

" Hands off. " I said coldly.

" Why? I missed you. " He said cutely while backed hugged me.

" Yah Jeon Jungkook. I hate you. Let me go! " I raised my voice.

While I'm struggling to escape from his tight hug, my stomach suddenly make a sound that make me stopped and my face became redden. I bite my lower lips feeling so embarrassed. I forgot to take my breakfast as I rushed to the office this morning.

Why now, stupid stomach!

And there Jungkook laughing like a mad person. Glad that he was my boss. If not, I would just punched his precious face huh! I just glared at him and pushed him away from me. He's not even changing. I sat on my chair, crossed my arms feeling pissed off.

He calm himself a little and sat on my desk looking at me. " Let's go lunch. " He showed me his bunny teeth.

I just ignored him and acted liked I'm busy with my works. Seeing I'm not even responded to his invitation, he bend his body towards me, make his nose almost touched my left cheek.

" Hey, are you sulking? " He asked almost liked whisper.

" Why would I sulking over that small stupid thing? " My eyes still focused on my paperwork.

" Then why you not even answered me? " I swear his sweet voice make my heart beat fast.

I sighed. " Look Jungkook. Don't you see that I-- "


I froze. Waited. NO! I tried to process what had happened just now and yes it really happened. I covered my mouth with my both palms and my eyes became wide. He just smiled sweetly at me liked nothing happened. Is he a robot or something?! How can he be so calm right now. It's getting hot in here. Urgh my heart beating so fast like a cheetah. Wouh! Calm down pleaseu!

I tried to get up but his hand fast enough to trapped my small body between his two strong arms. I just sat there speechless. His face slowly came towards mine as his eyes was looking straight into mine without blinking.

My face started to burn and became red all of sudden like omaigod I really want to escape from this situation. He's getting closer....a bit closer....more closer and when our lips about to touch...

" Ahem... "

We both aghast and I took this chance to ran away from him. I quickly got up from my seat and rushed out from the office went straight to the restroom. This jerk could be really dangerous sometimes and it make me scared more. I needed to stay away from him as long as I can. I didn't want that feeling towards him growing bigger and bigger. My heart was in a big crisis right now, I swear.



After Nana disappeared, I turned around and saw Bangtan at my office entrance. I cough a little just to cover my redden face. They came towards me with a smirked plastered on their faces. I sat on my chair trying to calm myself down. I was liked being possessed just now. Thinking bout that make me smiled liked an idiot.

" Maknae! Why were you smiling? " Taehyung asked.

I shook my head still smiling while scratched the corner of my head.

" Yah! What were you and Nana doing just now? " Jin bugged.

" I saw you pretty closed with her. " Namjoon added.

" Don't tell me...you both... " J-Hope squinted his eyes towards me.

" K-I-S-S-I-N-G ... ? " Jimin and Suga asked in unison.

" N-no.. Why would we doing that in this office?! " I stuttered and avoided from making eyes contact with them.

" Eyy~ Kookie got his first kiss!!! " Hyungs started jumping and danced in excitement and I just can't helped but laughing seeing them. I'm curios sometimes, are they really older than me because their attitude surely didn't suited their aged. Definitely not.

When they to busy making fuss, Jimin suddenly came towards me with a serious face. I just waited with anxiety. When he stand next to me, he whispered something that make me surprised.

" Jenny was here in Seoul. "

We both just giving each other an eye contact and he just nodded. I let out a heavy sighed.

Why she's back? What did she wanted from me? We promised not to talk about the past again. Thinking about her make me tired already. I need to do something...


Sorry for making you guys waited too long. Hope you guys enjoyed it and do voted okay.

By the way, thank you so much to those that voted, add this story to their reading list and those who support this story from beginning until now. I really appreciate it, sincerely.

Maybe I will be a hiatus for almost a month I guess because I'm too busy with presentation and writing report, exam also. *stressed out*

Wish me luck. Love you guys~

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