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I was relaxing on my cozy bed, reading my book before going to sleep.

When I'm about to fall asleep, someone gently hold my hand make me startled.

I turned my head to my left side and saw a girl with a long pretty hair same age liked me standing there.

I can't see her face clearly because her faced was half covered with her hair and the lamp a bit dimmer.

" Urgh...who...are...you? "

I asked her but she didn't answer backed. She slowly walked closer to me make me scared. She carressed my cheek with her other hand.

" You...looked...so...pretty... "

" You've grown well. "

" I'm sorry....for not being with you all this time. "

I heard her sobbing. I'm shaking. I'm about to speak but she cutted me off.

" Please...take care...of yourself... "

And...she dissappered.

I opened my eyes and quickly sit on the bed looking around my room. I'm sweating and panting so hard. What was that actually? I'm feeling scared all of sudden.

I looked at the clock; 10:00 am and it's weekend. So I decided to take a shower and headed down to the kitchen for some breakfast.

I felt liked not eating and just playing with the cereal. Mom stand in front of me and knock the dining table lightly.

I'm glanced at her and focused back at my cereal bowl. " Honey, are you okay? " Mom asked with a worried voice.

" Mom, did someone entered my room last night? "

" Honey, there's only you and me in this house. Stop saying nonsense thing. " Mom answered while she clean the sink.

" Err..Yeah...Maybe I'm just dreaming..." I sighed.

Who was she?

It's maybe sound weird but I felt liked I connected with her.

Her voice.... Sound familiar.

Yes... I've heard it somewhere before.

But... Where???

And... The scars at the corner of her neck...


Hey beloved readers. You've waited for this updated right?

Sorry because it's too short. I'm very busy right now but I've to updated this story too.
Aww I missed you guys and even I don't reply y'alls comments, but I loved reading it.

You guys kaepjjang!!👍👍👍

Thanks guys for support this story.
Voted for it xoxo💕

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