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*listen to the music while reading*


*bell rang*

" Okay class. Finish the homework and handed the answer sheet to me tomorrow morning. All of you. Class dismiss." Madam Lee walked away.

I packed my things into my bag and about to stand up, I looked at Jungkook still not moved an inch. I bend my head a little towards his face, saw him sleeping.

Emm, no wonder I can learn peacefully without any disturber today.

Without I realize, I examined his white face, his eyebrows, his perfect nostrils, his kissable lips and and his sharp jawline. He's so stunning, I'm not gonna lied bout that. I swear. When I'm too busy admired his face, Jungkook moved a bit make me startled. I quickly moved my body away from him, clearing my throat while crossed arms over my chest.

Jungkook sit straight while brushed his messy hair and rubbed his eyes half awake. God, he's cute. I knocked his desk lightly and handed out my palms. Jungkook smiled at me with his sleepy face.

" I wanted my book back, you thief. " I said coldly. He handed me the book without saying a word. 

Okay, that's easy. Usually, he will teased me first but not today.  What's wrong with him?

Jungkook stood up and was about to leave but then, he turn backed at me. I had to held up my head a little to look at him because he's taller than me. His thumb touched my swelling forehead lightly all of sudden. I frowned a little. It still hurt tho.

Suddenly, I felt a soft thing at my swollen forehead. " Don't hurt yourself again. " He said softly after pull away his lips. I widened my eyes feeling shocked about what had happened just now. My face blushed so hard that it turned red like a ripe tomato.

Without hesitation, I shoved his hand away and rushed back to my house.


I rushed went to my room without greeted my mom and slammed the door loudly. I touched my forehead in disbelief.

Did...did he just kissed me just now?! OMG

I threw my body on the bed and took out my phone dialed someone's number. After the second beep, the line connected.

"Jennyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy~ I felt liked dying right now! " I said half shouting.

" Woo ~ slow down your voice babe. I don't wanna be a deaf this early. What happened? " Jenny replied.

" I've told you bout that incident that happened to me this morning right? My forehead swallow so bad and...and Jungkook, He..he just kissed the wound. What to do? "

I said in one breath. I wanted to cry but at the same time, I felt an unknown little feeling.

" Wait. Did you just said Jungkook? Em Jeon Jungkook? " Jenny asked me.

" I didn't remember his surname but maybe. Why did you asked? " I asked her back in confusion.

" A-ahh nothing. Let's continue. "

We both talked about many things because we're not really spend time together like before.



What did I've done? Why I kissed her? Why I got this feeling towards her? Why?

I took a sip of my iced americano still thinking bout that incident. I sighed.

" Jungkook, you looked bad. What happened? " Jimin tapped my shoulder make me back to reality.

" I..I don't know hyung. This girl...she makes me feel something emm weird. This one feeling. Everyday, I want to tease her, make her angry and...I think I liked her more. This feeling just keep growing. " I said stuttered.

Jimin signed. " Okay now. Who is this "girl" actually? You keep talking bout her since two weeks ago. "

" She's.... " I paused after I saw a familiar figure open the coffee shop door. My eyes still follow the body walked to the counter place an order.

" Yah. Why you stopped? " Jimin asked me in confusion. I remain silent still looking at the girl. Jimin looked at the same direction as me. He tried to figure who's that girl is. Then...

" Omaigad.... " Jimin said as he shocked after looking at the girl's face who is walking out from the coffee shop.

" Don't tell me that... " Jimin asked in disbelief while looked straight at me in the eyes. I just nodded.

" Wow, this is unexpected. They really look alike." We both stay silent.


The Next Day


Since Nana transfer to this school, my day start to bright like before. I'm happy to see her everyday. It's like my dead heart start to beat again, same when Reen still alive.

Reen...I missed you.

It's recess and I decided to wait for the others at the cafeteria. I sat at our usual place and played game in my phone. Just then, I heard someone laughed cutely across the table. I glanced at the person and it's Nana.

Without hesitation, I switch to camera and started to capture her picture secretly. I opened the photo gallery and looked through all her picture. Nice! I started to greed for more.

 Again, back to camera and keep the lens faced her. After get the perfect focus, I pressed the captured button but shockingly, she looked at where I placed my phone and give it a wide smile before she stood up and left the cafeteria.

I looked back at the picture and yes, she did. I smiled to myself while stared at it. She's cute, I thought. Suddenly, someone snatched the phone from my hand while laughing.

" Aha ~ what are you looking at ? " Taehyung asked while taking my phone away.

" Hyung! Give it back! " I rushed to him and tried to take the phone but failed.

Taehyung still laughing and took a look at the picture but then, his faced expression changed. He looked at me widen his eyes. I just nodded because I knew what he think right now.

" The rest already knew bout this? " Taehyung asked softly.

" Bout what? " Asked Namjoon that just arrived with the other 4 members.

We both looked at them and Taehyung casually showed the phone screen towards them. They all started to look at the picture and  exchanged eye contacted with each other except Jimin. Then, they all stared at me asking for an answer.

I scratched the side of my head and give a light nodded. They all started to gather and give me a group hugged. They knew bout my past.

" It's okay Kookie. We're always be there for you. " They said in unison.

Jungkook just laughed and be thankful for having great friends like em.


Long chapter again ~ So, you guys liked it or not? Do voted and comment guys. Happy reading dear readers ~

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